Many countries including USA is currently lead by rich people. They become presidents and prime ministers, when being already rich and during its presidency multiply their fortune.
Many of the countries become poorer at the same time falling in deep state depth.
I am not an economist, politician, analyst, I just do what I can do best, ask questions and search for answers at the same time.
I am not being prepaid for my words, this is one of the reasons why I dare to touch the untouchable and contradict the common.
In my blogs in 2019, I touch several times the UNITED NATIONS and pointed out there to be something wrong with the organization which should unite the nations, for unity is something that is missing.
A few months earlier I noticed in media the information, that the UN is lacking money, there is a shortage of them which endanger its existence.
When I get deeper, I came to the official part of the UN web which is dedicated to money and contributions from countries.
I find very interesting information.
There are 193 members (2019), but only 139 pay membership. From this number only 34 pay yearly fees in time (due date 31.1.) and the rest (105)did it with delay. The latest payment came on December 3rd.
What makes me more curious was the fact I have not found USA on the list of companies that contribute to the UN budget.
I was not able to find out any historical data from the previous years (I do not say there are not available), but it makes me think deeper if (and this is just my own opinion) can not the financial trouble of the UN be connected to this small topic.
I am confused due to one more reason. The global media are full of information related to the absence of tax payment of global players. The names of GOOGLE, AMAZON, FACEBOOK, NETFLIX are in everyone's mouth but it does not seem that states and governments are taken into the account for lack of own payments.
I am not the one who will do the deep study to learn how the state contributions to the UN are calculated, but I would be the first one who will appreciate the transparency of all and everyone in this game of power.
I am living in a country in which PRIME MINISTER misuse EU funds and the EU confirms just days ago he is in serious conflict with legislation.
Many similar actions happen at the moment and it seems like, more money gets to power, more damage is caused by individuals to nations.
I hope this article will help not only to understand but to prevent similar happen and believe someone can explain to me
I am sure there is a reason
Why the USA does not pay?