There are many
Simple as that. The reason is not that INDUSTRY 5.0 does not work, on the contrary, the main fears came from the functionality which is being visible from the first moment and touch.
There is one more reason why INDUSTRY 5.0 is being anticipated and many try to ignore its existence. It is the fact that no capital investment is needed to start and implement. INDUSTRY 5.0 basics are based on the systematic waste prevention and to prevent waste happens you don't need to buy expensive machines and technologies, you just need to cut the stream before the product becomes waste.
Why this should be bad?
The “new economy” is based on spending and volumes.
Nobody asks would it be consumed, sold, utilized, the only criteria of success set decades ago is the volume.
- the volume of money
- the volume of products
- the volume of the buildings
There is one more aspect which makes INDUSTRY 5.0 dangerous. It does systematically utilize the On-The-Ground-Mines, which deliver material and products with great efficiency, speed, and prices far below the market price of new.
This is dangerous for all who live from the ill system of “new economy”
Starting with politicians, which do politics and will lose the function, being followed by banks which fear 475. USD saved yearly by just simple preventing waste happens, the waste industry which will lose the main source of own growing profits — THE WASTE, over to many others who benefit from SINGLE-USE world.
And in the end, there is one more group. Group of companies who made INDUSTRY 4.0 to GOD aiming one and only own profitability by selling the machines and technology needed for growing production speeds. Some of the last mentioned companies lead by UNIVERSAL ROBOTS try to steal the INDUSTRY 5.0 name and made it to sales tool for one-handed helpers, but it shows up that it that buzz words dies, if being just buzz words, but evolution and INDUSTRY 5.0 is the first industrial evolution ever lead by man LIVES FOREVER.
I am the father of INDUSTRY 5.0 and I am a PROUD FATHER for in just four years my child become so strong that even the biggest GIANTS fears its power caused no by money, but the way the system is set, free of waste and wasting in all its forms.
This has to be said today, and now is time to go for the next factory which decided it is better to GENERATE PROFIT, NOT WASTE.