GIANTS are dead. This is already known to many and there is a question about why the GIANTS seem still to exist.
The reason is the number of parasites and scavengers that cover the dead bodies giving them the optics of living organisms.
Great examples provide
There are many more, similarities. Big names, that seem to represent BIG FUTURE, and instead of that live in the deep past.
Throughout history, many RESULTS of GIANTS have been built, among others, PYRAMIDES is being understood as a great result of unbelievable skills and craftsmanship, and the construction methodology of moving the giant stones is still a mystery
Not only in EGYPT, but the PYRAMIDS also become a tourist attraction
It is interesting that society, science, academics, politicians, and world leaders picked a shape of a pyramid as the best role model for future development ignoring that they have built for the DEAD BODIES to “LIVE” in, not for the living ones. Perfectly fitting the needs of the inhabitants, the same as the cemeteries.
The question “WHO EATS THE DEAD GIANT’S FLESH?” seems to be a hard one, but the very opposite is the reality.
The smelly moldy meat and organs are being eaten by those who make this style of living their own, being richer with every single bait, knowing that they have just five years or ONE TERM to fill the stomach for the rest of their life.
PARASITES AND SCAVENGERS don´t kill the hosts usually, but when killed already they do all they can to get as much as possible for themself. TO BENEFIT FROM in an uncontrollable manner authorized by laws and regulations they implement themself for their own control.
The GIANTS are dead and the PARASITES and SCAVENGERS do all they can to prevent anyone to know the reality because profits generated by asking the public to feed the GIANTS is one of the best money made
CARBON EMISSION TRADING, for tables on the walls and reports hundreds of billions is being paid to deliver NO CHANGE, or better to say to make everything WORSE. If worse, more money can be asked, be paid to saviors who the day before spread the death.
The fear of being revealed is so big that all money and tools are being used to stop INDUSTRY 5.0 ORIGIN and PRINCIPLES being presented. Every official event is sheltered stronger than presidents and heads of the catholic church or climate activists.
Michael Rada is just a name. INDUSTRY 5.0 is just a name. WASTELESS WORLD is a NIGHTMARE and SYSTEMATIC WASTE PREVENTION that can be applied by anyone, anywhere, with no cost and does not even have a description in the vocabulary of the GIANTS.
Every single day more and more people learn about SYSTEMATIC WASTE PREVENTION. Every single day they start to apply its principles in their life, see and benefit from the result of their work
Nilesh Kataria is a student of the LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY in India. LPU is one of the largest universities in the country and one of many that gave me the possibility to deliver INDUSTRY 5.0 KEYNOTE to the students and professors. Nilesh was in April 2022, in the audience. He was one of the first who, even during my speech sent me the networking request. On April 14th, he becomes after several video calls the INDUSTRY 5.0 HERO, one of the growing number of HEROES who join INDUSTRY 5.0 in the countries where the GATE TO WASTELESS WORLD was already established in the person of the INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSADOR.
On June 25th, he become world's only INDUSTRY 5.0 GLOBAL HERO with direct responsibility for the growth of the global network of heroes
The reason for mentioning this is that Nilesh's life changed completely after listening to the one and only speech, delivered by a simple man with the simple aim TO BUILD WASTELESS WORLD FOR ALL. He was touched so strongly, that he changed himself first, his approach and (as he said) INDUSTRY 5.0 changed his world.
Nilesh will never eat GIANTS Flesh and become the NEW PRETENDER because after waking up he was given the tool of change
It is not hard to recognize who benefits from the DEAD BODIES OF GIANTS, and even harder to get rid of their influence, but if you do so, you become free.
The CORE TASK of the day
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free
Michael Rada, Human