It was early morning when captured this image under the bridge next to my WorkPlace. It was the day of the first, morning BlackOut, one of many which will come and we will get used to it.
Many still sleeping
At my place where INDUSTRY 5.0 was born, I start to do what can be done without electricity. I tidy up, organize the items on shelves, water the plants and take pictures
It is so much we can do without electricity, the question is if we want to do so.
In not so long time it will be not only the matter of own WILL but of the ABILITY and KNOWLEDGE for more and more people slipping from physical into the virtual life.
We are the children playing in the fields and woods, on the playgrounds build by the fathers and grandfathers? Where are the people who looked out of the window and know what weather will come on that day? Where are the singing mothers on the trip to catch fresh air?
The first play online, the second look at the screen, and the third stay home for the aircon and air purifier is better.
Thanks to pandemic fear, many have been locked behind own doors.
The air cleaned up.
In just one month nature achieved what the world leaders declare from 1987, without any positive result. In one month only the Himalayas are not covered in smog, the streets of ROME, JAKARTA, TOKYO, SHANGHAI, NEW YORK, PARIS, and many more reveal its beauty not shaded by the grey smog of industrial life.
Despite the cleanest air in decades the governments push us to wear the face masks not to smell the air and spring.
We should not get used to it
Do we really prefer connected life where the connection lost its primary function, to connect? Instead of physical touch, the virtual presence, and we enjoy the touch on the display.
It was not the virus who clean up the air, it was us, who changed our behavior
It was not the virus who locked us indoor, it was us, trusting politicians
It was not the virus who changed the lives of billions, it was us who stopped doing what we have been used to do.
What if it would be us once again who say
The power of billions can change the direction of the current, and I think it is the best time to do so.
Maybe we need a virus, from time to time, but I am sure we do not need politics and politicians to tell us what to do, we have our own minds and the only what we need is to set a unified goal, same for all and I have a proposal for you, what about