I am not joking.
Why do I mention it?
Because according to law and regulations, the PRE-PRODUCTIVE and POST-PRODUCTIVE ones are being understood by society, laws, and regulations as something the society prefers to GET RID OFF.
Which in fact is one of the definitions of WASTE mentioned in many legal legislations all around the globe.
The header image was taken back in 2018, at a college on which I was honored to spend a WEEK OF OPEN DOORS and discuss with the everyday growing audience the principles of INDUSTRY 5.0 and systematic waste prevention.
Nobody, except for the Director, who invited me to the event knows me on the first day, but many call me by name at the end and the team pictured supported me during the entire week, most of the students are in age of my daughter and I was older than many of their own parents, but we spoke the same language, the language of efficiency.
Looking back I do realize that not just the language was the element that connect us so well, but the fact that WE DID NOT FEEL AS WASTE
I am sure none of the team members who already work as employees or run their own businesses do so, and neither do I.
Unfortunately, I was not able to speak to all people on the planet yet, this is why some still feel like waste when society does not need them and waste them with title SENIOR or OVERQUALIFIED, UNDERQUALIFIED, and more
This is why I become so honored when being contacted by a Founder that decided to MAKE an END TO SOCIAL WASTE in the upper part of the age scale.
YULIA CANDRA highly experienced and motivated professional who set up a company that will help those of 45+ to LIVE MEANINGFUL LIFE
How our first one-hour (120 minutes) call ends are visible on the screenshot I took and my smile is multiplied by the fact that I was offered to become an advisory board member of the company, which I accepted
The aim of the company and its founder is clearly visible on the website
We will help all 45+ “expelled” by society and the work environment, to do work they will love, which will deliver a meaningful impact on themself, so as their families, circles, cities, nations as the planet, and the global ecosystem.
Despite our age, or because of our age, we are the TRAILBLAZERS of the time instead of DIGGING FOR MORE utilize the ON-THE-GROUND-MINES without leaving dirty footprints behind.
We build bridges, that others crashed. We build cities, that others leave. We do it all for HUMANS and NATURE, not for machines and money.
Our hearts do not increase the speed when instead of thousands, billions are being named, we do not become excited when billionaires came on stage and share to share how to get billions, not to mention how they get their own, hiding the truth under the carpet, presenting the box out of gold, which is just plated on a steel rods placed around us to shorten our sight. We do not celebrate the ownership of unicorn farms
We are not unicorns, nor are our businesses, we are HUMANS so are our businesses.
We are not in the spotlight
This is why
not for fame, but for the meaningfulness of our work, that changes the world and lives of all
I am finishing the post at 4 AM on Friday, May 26, it will be published on June 28, 2023, as the last post of the month. I sit in my office 6 hours after I delivered the 20x20 PECHA KUCHA presentation online in CESKE BUDEJOVICE where the audience has become silent after the 20 slides were delivered in 20 seconds windows
Please remember this every time anyone asks for your age
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe, free and VISIBLE
Michael Rada, HUMA