In my today I would like to thanks Mr. Ugo Micoli, who delivered to be clear view and reason why the INDUSTRY 5.0 and systematic waste prevention are not noticed by the CIRCULAR ECONOMY expert and society.
because you are not noticed at all
This is a clear statement which, in my eyes, define with no doubt that the situation will not change if there would be no will.
In factories, I face very similarly.
wasting become the new standard and no one wonder why it should be wrong.
We call it PROFESSIONAL BLINDNESS and the good news is we are able to cure it. It is no miracle, just hard work which open eyes and hearts to see what was long time forgotten.
I am very happy Mr. Micoli, take his time and replay, he must be a very busy man.
His profile speaks for him with the consistency of his professional growth and his career can be called from FOUNDER to FOUNDER, where my own started at the factory ground with blue boiler suit on. His education finished by POLITECNICO DI TORINO gave him the expertize needed to manage people and projects, where my own university degree and missing diploma let me start from bottom up.
I have to trust his words “So, I repeat, you are not a top cultural disruptor “hated” by some lobby but just someone who has legitimate personal opinions”
He should know better than me, being in my skin for the last six years.
Ona part of the advice is following
BTW, please avoid easy buzzwords like “industry 5.0” and the like… I see you didn’t get the meaning of the article and you want to bend it to your opinions. “The circularity of Circular Economy, which prevents it to move and grow” is pure nonsense. Furthermore, there will never be a “wasteless world”. I see you have a lot of homework to do.
I keep it in mind writing this homework and just wonder what will come next.
The elimination of the 375.000 MT of materials and products which in six years did not become waste thanks to INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING and INDUSTRY 5.0 or the return of waste to factories which pushed waste volumes thanks to systematic waste prevention down by 98%.
Dear @UgoMicoli I hope I did my homework well.
The next step on my journey is to introduce INDUSTRY 5.0 and INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING to Italy so maybe we will have the opportunity to talk both together, face to face. It is important to understand, we have just one home.
Just one day after publishing this article in my LINKEDIN blog, I was delivered a CIRCULAR ECONOMY interview between two CIRCULAR ECONOMY experts. The long article answers many of the questions and puts light on the reason, why the CIRCULAR ECONOMY moves in circles.