Michael Rada
4 min readApr 12, 2022


When I informed last week in March 2022, of my intention to launch the INDUSTRY 5.0 UKRAINE RECOVERY project many told me it is too early because the war “had just begun”

I don´t think that it is too early for positive action. Too early for recovery. Too early to prevent waste to happen, but it is too late to prevent the WAR to happen.

Not a single one of the UKRAINIAN citizens wishes to die

All who did die because of the absence of national and international crime prevention. Instead of investing more in Peace, all countries start to fuel the WAR INDUSTRY calling it PEACE FORCE INVESTMENT.

WEAPONS should scare WEAPONS


I do not think it is too early to think about recovery, no matter if war or natural disaster struck no matter whom, no matter where.

If we learn to act in unity we would be able not to waste the time

4 million UKRAINE citizens have found their temporary home behind the borders of their own country, not because of a better job or a better salary, but because of fear of their own life and the life of those they love.

Mothers and Children first

The man left behind with weapons in their hands. Many women decided to stay and face the enemy with pride, holding a gun or another weapon, that suits them more. All equipped with one, most powerful weapon of all THE LOVE TO COUNTRY and PEOPLE. The weapon that is missed by all aggressors, who just kill because of the order of money.

There is just one man responsible for the war and this is why I call it a VLADIMIR PUTIN WAR. I do not need to be politically correct and bend my back because my salary is paid by those who represent the evil.

I am not waiting for an order to act. for it may never come. Where the other stop, and turn back, I start my journey.

I am choosing every single step and word carefully, and spent weeks on the definition of the right question, to help to get the right answer.

I am not a GURU, I am not the first TRILLIONAIR, I am not a POLITICIAN, DECISION MAKER, or WORLD LEADER. Instead of that


PREVENTING something to happen is not as profitable as delivering “solutions” to “solve” the problem that happened.

But if something happens to have a solution available and apply it fast enough together with preventing countermeasures will help to prevent similar to happen again

The UKRAINE RECOVERY must be realized in a harmonized environment, where not the “stakeholders” but PARTNERS will act hand in hand. Not competitors but CO-CREATORS of the RECOVERY. Instead of spending hours listing the titles and achievements, we will deliver RESULTS in boiler suits sent to UKRAINE one both ago already.

It took longer to build the same houses as before, but this does not mean people should not live in houses, places that do not remind shelter and hide-away but a house and HOME.

30 minutes to build. 19.000 EUR to buy. From train or truck, ready to move in.

The soil must be recovered, the water cleaned, and the infrastructure repaired. All in a harmonized tact time not waiting for the trial with the responsible ones, with killers and murders of innocent ones.

The world is ready to help, but to do so everything must be prepared first. CZECHIA, AUSTRALIA, USA, CANADA, INDIA, and many, many more. Not the governments but HUMANS ARE READY TO HELP.

We all are following one and only aim TO BUID WASTELESS WORLD FOR ALL, a world in which WAR will be prevented before it will begin.

World in which not the children, not the parents or grandparents will wake up in the middle of the night with head filled with images stream continuously on the TV SCREENS.

No matter what the others will say, for INDUSTRY 5.0 the recovery of UKRAINE has begun already.

The CORE TASK of today is to answer two questions



Have a nice day free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free

Michael Rada, HUMAN



Michael Rada
Michael Rada

Written by Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0

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