Michael Rada
4 min readJan 25, 2020

Since December 1st, 2015 INDUSTRY 5.0 is being developed not as the fifth industrial revolution but as the very first industrial evolution ever lead by man (HUMAN)

It is the right time to look at the development of the industry from a different perspective

Since the beginning, not the blue collars, but the white collars map and explain what is going on and how the steps have to be planned to be even better. The Economists do, what they know best, work with numbers, giving them power and right to decide what is right and what is wrong. Who survives and who dies.

With the industrial development, the dependency on numbers grows day by day until just two numbers remain important, ZERO & ONE.

With this in mind, the industrial development in the form of successive industrial revolutions is being presented and is representing in many eyes, minds, and papers the true image of development.

Icons being presented and mark the improving tendency, and just a few recognized there is something wrong, for revolution to revolution, the time dedicated is shorter and shorter


Faster and Faster the disappear leaving the heritage behind

Looking at the development through the eyes of an heir I see more than just a number, I see disbalance created with increasing speed and growing production. I see consiety* which despite the try is not able to consume all that was produced, leaving dead soil and landfill behind.

INDUSTRY 5.0 is being developed and it is developing by respecting the failures of the past and it takes all in hand, watching it from different perspectives to find out what can be next use.

Three years ago I took the list of industrial revolutions and find out the fact of its shortening duration. Today I took another angle and see the industrial development in line with global population growth, wealth gap, and waste increase, all themes connected to my work

the header image visualize what I see

It does in one form, well understandable to many, but it is needed to make it understandable to all, so I decided to transfer the data in a form understood by business owners, economists and many white collars we face

I am sure now all can see, what I see

What I do describe in all my INDUSTRY 5.0 related speeches, articles and works dedicated to one and only aim of my business and private life.

The industrial revolutions have delivered many and fortune to few and waste to many. The gap between 2% of the global population (THE SUPER-RICH) and the rest is bigger and bigger from one industrial revolution to the next one.

With this, the population of the poor grow significantly faster than any time in recorded history which gives the business and global planners and “leaders” the right to say WE NEED MORE

This results in wasting 75% of crop and food before it even reaches the second stage of processing. This makes companies call for more people despite the fact there are five times more people living on the planet than 100 years ago.

The wasting of the ZEROES deliver fortune to the ONES

And the ONES forget that without the ZEROES they will die in dirt, hungry and forceless for the can not be eaten, no matter if in bills, checks, coins, gold bars or the form of plastic payment cards.

The first INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION started already and I hope this article will help all to understand, there is no way back.

*CONSIETY — consumable society



Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0