One Friday named me Zack H. Abdi using a term I did not recognize. I checked the online vocabulary and was surprised because I have the same term connected to other words like
Which is being offered in reverse translation
English WIKIPEDIA offers just one sentence
A trailblazer is a person who is paving the way in their particular field for future generations
and before doing so it delivers the following screen
I would say the reason is that it was sold a long time ago, already, following the permanent and continuous ban on all topics related to INDUSTRY 5.0, Michael Rada, or systematic waste prevention
It seems to me that it is not just me, who forgot about the existence of the term, but many did as well, including those for whom ENGLISH is not the mother tongue.
The only space where it reminds alive in the form of an award is the art
Naming me a TRAILBLAZER let me think deeply and let me write this article that will be published in more than one month's time as the first chapter of THE WASTELESS WORLD STORY published in July 2023.
I know Zack and he knows me
We speak the same language, despite living on different continents. He is in Canada, and I am in the Czech Republic, both names begin with “C” but that seems to be all that connects these two countries, but it is not true
Do you know that one of the most famous Canadians a man whose books are read and recommended by people like Bill Gates, is Czech born?
Do you know that Wikipedia started the list of Czech Canadians with the name of a serial killer?
Aren´t they the TRIALBLAZERS instead?
Do they have names?
The HuffPost published on April 17, 2012 list of TRAILBLAZERS
BIOGRAPHY ONLINE does similar, just the list looks very different
Going through the list of famous names I found out they have something in common
All of them deliver palpable results, frequently connected with hard physical work executed despite the dangers connected to it.
Do I fulfill these criteria?
I probably do, but I hope Zack so like all of you will forgive me that I will not use the title because the one which was assigned to me is the most valuable one which I am not ready to give up
Thank you for your time, I do believe it was not wasted
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe, free and VISIBLE
Michael Rada, HUMAN