In one of the WASTELESS WORLD TALKS, I asked BILL MCCLINE and KEVIN MACKENZIE if they considered turning their books into RADIO plays, not only movies.
Kevin explained, that it is much harder to do, than a movie and used the sentence that I have used as the name of the chapter, he said
“Radio is the theater of the mind.”
At the moment when this sentence sounds, I remembered the SUNDAYS in CZECHOSLOVAK SOCIALISTS REPUBLIC, in which having no TV, I waited for the next RADIO PLAY and my fantasy travel the oceans, space, going deep into the heart of the planet or back into time.
Every time so fascinated about
Every time expect what will come
Every time I have the same feeling I have from a very young age reading one book after another
Today, popular AUDIO BOOKS, but they are far from RADIO PLAYS where not one, but many actors participate in, so as music makes the adventure real without the need for someone to visualize it in the form of moving pictures.
I am not sure if you know it, but you can listen to this story as well. The feature was introduced a few years back and many websites offer the same feature as well.
The issue is the monotone, robotic voice, that pretends to be of HUMAN, but missing the HUMANITY and EMOTIONS, that are so crucial for all authors, for the work they do and deliver.
In one of the digital libraries I keep, there are more than 300 greenwashing publications, research and academic studies, and scientific publications and papers. All have one in common, they are emotionless.
I say that despite knowing that much GREENWASHING content was created to wake up emotions in the reader, blaming him or her for the devastation of the planet and none of them point out that it is not the ordinary man or woman who destroys it but the GIANTS who pay the authors to create the content.
These lines are written on the second day of COP28, where already on the first day millions and billions were promised by the GIANTS to FILL WASTING FUND, sorry LOSS, AND DAMAGE FUND with money, that will change the climate.
It is fascinating to watch new projects that need JUST MONEY
Same as the projects before, and before, and before
What is interesting is that the only result is money spent on wasting
Instead, everyone can watch the banknotes and coins if they are still here, before being transferred into the virtual world
How does the capitalist's world nightmare? Ask Richard
If interested in buying his book do it from the Belly of the GIANT
What about opening new THEATRES OF THE MIND, just a few, about 8 billion for the start?
Think about it and let me know what you think about this proposal
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free, and be HUMAN
Michael Rada, HUMAN