Not just the HUMAN and ANIMALS can cry. Some of our products can do the same. Instead of “TEARS”, we call it “WATER LEAK”
Today in the morning, when I made my morning tea, and have to refill the kettle and find out drops are on the surface. I dry them with a towel and realized new ones show up.
The first word on my mind was TEARS
When I return to the office I check the invoice. It was exactly on a day 6 months after I purchased it from one of the Czech E-traders
What should I do?
Buy a new one?
Put the old in the waste bin?
Is there another way?
At the very same moment, when the question came to my mind, a story of the broken swimming pool in my parent's garden appears. My mum was unhappy because she enjoys swimming and relaxing in the pool on hot summer days, but a water leak was found at the end of last year. Asking the professionals indicates that they will ask for 80.000 CZK (3.000 EUR) for the repair, telling my parents that a completely new inlay must be installed or expensive new technology applied.
Looking for a better solution I found a water-resistant tape
that can do the same, but cost 159,-CZK (6 EUR) instead.
After the agreement with my parents, I bought two, spending 12 EUR on that purchase. My dad repaired the wall.
For two months no issue, the water stay in the swimming pool and does not leak, and my mum, after finished successfully her CHEMO TREATMENT by beating the CANCER, enjoy hot days the swim in a full swimming pool filled mainly with cleaned rainwater collected by my father in his rainwater collection “system” allocated all around the house. Rainwater mixed with last year's water which he stored over the winter in barrels in his garage, to protect it from freezing or getting worse.
2.988 EUR SAVED compared to the offer of EXPERTS who said after looking at the leak, there is no other solution.
Just during the writing of these lines, LINKEDIN informed me that one of my last week's INDUSTRY 5.0 AWARENESS POLLS ended with the following result
It was dedicated to E-WASTE same as my keynote on that topic.
It is interesting that the only right answer (from the legal point of view) gets just 21%.
I am sure that it will be not hard for you to say, what will happen with my broken kettle now
The CORE TASK of the day
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free
Michael Rada, HUMAN