Bill McClain is a futurist author with rich business experience but for me, he is a FRIEND and HUMAN.
Together with Kevin MacKenzie HUMAN and FRIEND, we meet every single week on Wednesday to discuss an ordinary word, or term to create language on which the future can ride safely thanks to full transparency and understanding of every single word.
On March 27, 2024, we met again, and the term to discuss was “ENOUGH”
It was our 73rd WASTELESS WORLD TALK and we realize that we will never have enough meetings between friends and talking topics, that help to build a WASTELESS WORLD FOR ALL
At the same time, there is never enough time in the 40-minute session to discuss all that came to our minds.
We came to a conclusion there is not enough of ENOUGH
In fact, the world almost forgot about the term, taking it from a positive, to a negative understanding.
For many, there will be NEVER ENOUGH
Even the WIKIPEDIA seems to be rather confused
Living in the culture of MORE we have lost the ability to recognize ENOUGH
It seems to be a calculated path set by GIANTS for HUMANS to follow
PAT ARMITSTEAD answer to my question that SHE WAS NEVER ENOUGH FOR HER MUM and has to learn to recognize her value first to understand that SHE WAS and SHE IS ENOUGH and is already the ROLE MODEL of ENOUGH for others.
Two weeks later I returned to this article after I took the following screenshot on my profile
It is just a fraction of visitors of the last hour or so and one of them works for the Fifth biggest player in his segment on a global scale. working for a company that made a dangerous and addictive drug into a legal drug and killing, turning it into a great business model increasing its own profitability in 2023 by 14% killing and destroying the health more.
The GIANTS have never enough, this is why they praise for every war and welcome pandemic that makes MORE so easy, using FEAR as the best sales tool.
HUMANS the same as ANIMALS recognize when there is ENOUGH, the only question is if they let GIANTS destroy the understanding or if they keep it in their minds and hearts.
The STRATEGY OF ENOUGH does not fear the DEGROWTH, it welcomes it as a friend and it is why DEGROWTH helps to beat the GIANTS without a single Cent or Penny to be spent or life lost.
There are many more words to be understood and this is why I am so happy that every single week together with BILL and KEVIN and PAT and CHARITO and PRAMILA, we dedicate our time to the next one
I am happy that time to time join our talk guests, like noah ullman or Captain James Foong who accepted the role of INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSADOR for the entire maritime environment.
Do not fear ENOUGH, but understand it. It is not scarcity, it is the turn to HUMANITY on the journey to WASTELESS WORLD FOR ALL
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and be free
Michael Rada, HUMAN