Watching stand-up comedians, I realized, something familiar is missing to keep the balance and I found out it is the
Not because it is not existing but because we call it by THE wrong names
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Politicians are one of the best STAND-UP TRAGEDIANS
They have to study long to reach their excellence which is handed from one generation and one party name to another.
If you are in politics for a long time (like many) you stop selling yourself, because others will do for you, you just pay them
they have different names as well
- influencers
- celebrities
- social media gurus
all do what is needed to make the owner of the account, man or woman look exactly like the nation, or world, or bank, or economists or lobbyist would like to see them. Nice and Shiny
Being on stage feels so great
Nominated by the WORLD LEADERS or CLUB OF ROME
To be there, on stage, with the lights on and everybody watching and nobody listening
The politicians are the best in STAND-UP
Frequently they say jokes, for the paid audience which puts their hands together to fulfill the task they are paid for, and media report about massive success and cheering crowds before someone selfie show up showing living deaths looking into the screens waiting for the next signal for lunch, dinner or coffee break
Every speech delivered by politicians seems to be an example of the STAND-UP TRAGEDY
My question is DO WE NEED TRAGEDIANS to fill our lives and decide how we will live?
I don´t think so
The only step needed is to wake up ab be the change
Think about it before you put your hands together
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free
Michael Rada, HUMAN