I love Mondays for the same reason many hate them, I CAN GO TO WORK
I love early mornings for the same reason many hate them, I can LIVE LONGER
The image used in the header was taken on Monday morning, 4 AM on March 21, 2022, today, the same day, the same trip I took all the images that will follow.
Almost daily I am using my electric unicycle for my telecommuting. It is silent, cost-effective, and does not leave any footprint behind. No matter if I ride through the city or the forest, as I did yesterday
It is a pleasure to ride through the sleeping city which reveals its hidden beauty in the light of the MOON. Sometimes the images are blurred as my sleepy eyes have a problem focusing on the view.
But it does not matter, for I know my way.
At four o´clock in the morning usually, no people are in the streets. just a few cars and empty buses starting the day carrying just the driver as the only passenger to reach the first “LOADING” point at the very other edges of the city.
The moon was so beautiful, greeting me with its white-blue shine showing the efficiency and meaningfulness of my own existence without a single word to say. Same as with the TIME we become friends who do not need words to communicate. Same as NATURE the great INDUSTRY 5.0 ROLE MODEL.
INDUSTRY 5.0 was delivered in one of the rooms of this building, which carries the name FISEROVA VILA “FISHER´S VILLA” remembering the business owner who let it build for the employees of his factory to live in. It was built in 1886 and the walls tell many stories without the use of words.
On MONDAY MORNING new week begins on a journey that never ends. Just a few days ago, the SPRING HOLIDAYS started, and many do enjoy the schoolless time, but others miss their friends and comrades already. Since the day I began to build WASTELESS WORLD back in 2013, I have had no holiday, or if we speak in the terms which many associates with HOLIDAY=TIME TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE, or as WIKIPEDIA says
“A holiday is a day set aside by custom or by law on which normal activities, especially business or work including school, are suspended or reduced”
It is one of the moments, in which once again WIKIPEDIA IS or WOULD BE WRONG SOON
For all, for whom the “NORMAL” work is MEANINGFUL and they LOVE what they DO, every day is full of joy and happiness with the delivered results, and in this meaning of the word every day is HOLIDAY.
I started my day early today which helps me not only to talk with partners in Japan, India, and Nepal but as well to sign an agreement with the new INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSADOR who opened the first GATE TO WASTELESS WORLD in ROMANIA and a few hours later he has helped to deliver the WASTE PREVENTION LEGISLATION to 28 million people worldwide by translating it into the Romanian language
It may not sound like anything extraordinary if you don´t know that 86 people from Romania already refused the role and the fact that ANDREI MONOLOIU is the 95th member of the global INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSADORS NETWORK.
In many countries, the week begins on Sunday. In others the last day of the week is Saturday. Some are trying to test four work days a week, for some not knowing that instead of happiness, they will deliver the feeling of loneliness and meaninglessness for work counts to our life and it is needed to make it meaningful.
What is the CORE TASK today?
or better to say it is none that I will assign, which may help you to define the right one for you because if you in all the months fulfilled the assigned CORE TASK MANAGEMENT tasks properly, you have already adopted those and the volume of work you are able to realize is much bigger than any time before.
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free
Michael Rada, HUMAN