The little different story of WASTELESS WORLD
Today I talked on the phone with my mother. We do it every single day. It becomes a habit to talk to each other sharing news small and big ones, for us to know how we do.
My mother was seventy this year and the whole of her life she teaches in Kindergarten. For many years as a teacher and for more than a decade as director and teacher.
She lives together with my dad and her husband and her father, my grandfather in a hope which she and my father build together in the early 80.
She doe care of the boys well and if I come back for a visit, she cares even better of me, never asking anyone to care for her. My mother is a strong woman like many women and mothers are, never complaining about others but helping everywhere she can.
She told me that today, on the way from medical check she met a man in his early 40´who, almost blind from a very early age was one of many thousand children she nourished in her Kinder Garden, he was walking with his mum, being blind for many years already.
He starts talking together and thanks to his teacher whom he did remember so well for he said, she was the first one who does not stigmatize me or try to put me next to other for being different but teaches me how to live with others by doing some things, just a little different way.
They spend almost an hour talking and my mum was very impressed how this small and weak boy grows up and spoke like a wise man knowing many topics, being polite to people around him not showing up his “bigger brain” or “better education”. It was wonderful, she sais.
I am sure it was, I feel similar, I am so happy people do not judge me by the appearance, age, clothing style or content of my purse, but by the way, I am and act.
I got the best teacher I can
My mother
And I do believe this fact would be valued by all in the wasteless world I am constructing. I see many blind people, companies, and giants. They ave eyes to see, but can´t see. They have ears to hear, but can´t here. They have the mouth to speak but remains silent.
I am happy to help the al to wake up
For only if awaken, we would be able to fulfill our dreams
I wish you all a wonderful weekend free of waste and wasting and if you still can, give a call to your mother, visit her or skype her or write her. It is the smallest reward you can payback for all you get, for your life.