Michael Rada
4 min readDec 3, 2020


INDUSTRY 5.0 recognize, identify, and utilize systematically the On-The-Ground-Mines. It does not look for in the treasures in the bank vaults or in the gold and diamond mines, but it looks under the carpet of the standard day.

On January 6th, 2015 I started to describe myself as the UNDER THE CARPET LOOKER and discovered I am the only one (once again) who is proud of his ability to find what all the others ignore.

The picture used in the header was taken by my camera back in 2017 and it is really the footprint of my own safety shoe in one of the factories I was working in. The next day, no snow, no footprint, spring came earlier.

During 2020 the number of virtual meetings grows up day by day with culmination start at the end of August, after the delivery of INDUSTRY 5.0 keynote to the Indian Industry. After August 21st almost daily we discussed with new partners and clients the possibility of implementation of INDUSTRY 5.0 in their own business and environment.

Every single of the first-time INDUSTRY 5.0 talks contains seme question from the audience


I spend minutes and hours explaining again and again, how to prevent waste happens. 6R METHODOLOGY is helping a lot the same as the following video, which is one of the first on my youtube channel.

But in November 2020 I decided to change my answer and I will ask everyone to try to find the key under his doormat instead of looking somewhere else.

The key to change is really so close. Maybe too close to pay attention.

Let us uncover one of the keys together

We start with the INDUSTRY 5.0 Talks or to be more general, with any online meeting. Almost all of the events where more than just two people meet starts with delay. Three, five, or even ten minutes delay seems to be the norm, the same as it was in the world of physical meetings. We simply adopted the issue from the physical into the virtual world, but in fact, there is no reason why to do that.

We stay in front of closed doors and bellow our feet, bellow the doormat, the key is patiently waiting to be found.

There is no traffic on the way to our computer, there are no obstacles, so there is no excuse for coming late.

The key is in this case the accuracy. Be logged in a few minutes before, instead of one second after. How does this prevent waste from happening?

Strongly. Because with the key you deliver a solution that prevents many to waste their time and if we do speak about online meetings let me share a few more recommendations that I do follow myself.

  • Practice your presentation to fit the given time
  • The minimum size of font “26”
  • The optimum length of presentation 10–15 minutes
  • Don´t use video
  • Test access and sharing of presentation before the start
  • Don't speak fast
  • Use visual evidence (images)

This image indicates to the audience something would be wrong and they are right because you can not deliver a meaningful and understandable message in 15 minutes if you have 48 slides with text.

One message to the event organizers as well. If you want your event to be meaningful, deliver meaningful and interesting content instead of a stream of inconsistent and frequently boring, and too detailed information that interests only the speaker but makes the audience tired with every new slide.

Give the audience the possibility to interact, moderate the chat, answer the questions, share the presentations so as the contacts to the speakers. Make every meeting to hard to forget the event which the audience, so as the speakers will talk about long after its end looking forward to the next one to join.

The following screenshots deliver the example of a failed conference that has great potential.

Before your next step, just remember to look under your own doormat, or carpet, you may be surprised which treasures hides there.

Michael Rada — Under The Carpet Looker



Michael Rada
Michael Rada

Written by Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0

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