Michael Rada
3 min readAug 26, 2024


You will not see them in any CLIMATE and ENVIRONMENT events

You will not see them in any conference

You will not see them in the meeting rooms

You will not see them at the United Nations assembly

You will not see them in European Commission hearings

You will not see them at the Fridays For Future strikes

You will not see them in MEDIA INTERVIEWS or PODCASTS

And despite all of them they live in between us and there are many more than those who participate there.

They do not need the invisible cloak, they have one, it Is called OVERALLS, DUNGAREES, BOILER-SUITS which makes them disappear from the viewing angle of those who will not survive without them.

I know who they are, having the honor to be one of them


We get many names that keep changing with time, but one stay the same, they call us MAD, LUNATICS, and DIRTY

For a long time, we are asked to clean the mess and shut down

but it is changing


Our voice is strong

Not perfect, but strong enough to wake up the sleepers

The INCOMPATIBLES have one head, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, usually two hands and legs, and 5 fingers on each of them. When naked they look similar to those who take their dresses and jackets off, but there is a difference that is not visible, at the first sight

The INC0MPATIBLES using their hands and legs to deliver physical work, finished we receive no applause from the audience, which frequently is missing until the moment the work was done and they came to cut the ribbon with the words


Unless the INCOMPATIBELES will be listen to, the world will not change and the damage caused by HUNTING FOR MORE will only increase. This chapter is being written six days before ELON MUSKs 53rd birthday, he is not one of the INCOMPATIBLES anymore prefers to call himself TECHNOKING giving others tips from BILLIONAIRS same as others who became COMPATIBLE with SOCIETY IMPRESSION OF SUCCESS

Listen to the words of INCOMPATIBLES and listen carefully because they speak from their own experience and not from experience of others. If you do, you will see how easy it will be to change the track from heading the dead-end road to the one direction us to WASTELESS WORLD FOR ALL

Have a nice time free of waste, and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free, and be INCOMPATIBLE

Michael Rada, HUMAN



Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0