At first sight, they look like the ordinary hands of other people, but in fact, they are not ordinary at all. One is too small for an adult man and the second will never be able to press the other due to muscle deformity and inability to control the palm and fingers.
Both are hands of wheel-chair riders
Both are the hands of two people that fell in love
and enjoy every second of their life knowing that not a single second should be wasted because the time is too valuable to waste it
You don´t know what I m talking about?
What about a small practice
INDUSTRY 5.0 does recognize four types of waste
The two people pictured above are rated by society as social waste and very few recognized that very few can teach others about the WILL, ENDURANCE, CREATIVITY, and CURIOSITY because they represent all of that being the true ROLE MODELS
Just a few minutes ago did the EUROPEAN COMMISSION posted a new post declaring that they already funded over 10.000 scientists, missing (as usual) was the information about the results of the scientist's work. How many projects have been transferred into everyday life, how many make life more efficient or easier.
There is a long way through the dark tunnel from science to real life. The way so long that an estimated 90–95% of ideas and inventions got lost on their way. Not only the ideas are lost, same as money and TIME
Ideas can be reinvented
Money can be printed
Time will be lost forever
This article is not about losers or social waste, it describes the life of HEROES of the life and time, true HUMANS who express every single day what HUMANITY stands for and represents.
She is not a celebrity, not the president´s wife, not the online influencer, She is more a ROLE MODEL who decided to share the strength with all. Here is her Twitter account
All of us should be the ROLE MODELS for others to follow, no matter how big or old we are, what is the color of our skin, our religion, education, gender, ability, or disability. THE WAY WE LIVE MUST BE THE WAY WE REPRESENT
Let us install lights in the tunnels and prevent more waste to be generated and more space, time, and lives from being wasted.
do not waste it
Michael Rada, HUMAN