During the last decade, especially during the last 3 years, we are being frequently informed by media, politicians, decision-makers, and influencers that THE FUTURE IS DIGITAL and THE WORLD VIRTUAL and AI means the only direction and tool we need.
Not a single one of us remembers the people who went to discover new worlds. They lived a long time before we and all of them are gone. What remains are not only the stories left behind but cities in which we live, houses in which we sleep, and rules which we follow.
During the AI EVANGELIZATION we are being told that only one way is right and digital does not have limits, which we celebrate until the WIFI connection is gone and our battery is drained.
Have you noticed something?
Do you accept the words above?
Great. May I see your battery, please?
Sounds strange?
but you just agreed with me that your battery will drain out, so I do not see anything wrong with this question, do you?
Here you see how manipulated we already become. When we look for shelter, the question of POWER and DATA came before FOOD and WATER
In the last few weeks, not a single day goes by without news about ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, ChatGPT, and many more.
At the same time, more and more people and experts speak about the risk connected to both, frequently using both, to write sentences that will resonate best.
We are being told that AI is perfect, but it is not and it has frequently the biggest trouble doing or understanding the simplest things like understanding that “CONTENT is not a content
At the moment when the AI estimates that it will be able to read the diary of INDUSTRY 5.0 in 29 minutes, it contains already 1167 chapters, each chapter contains links to other content and many are cross-linked. When every day reader reads one chapter he or she will need 3,2 years to finish. This is 158,89 times more time than predicted by the AI.
AI can not read between the lines, but HUMAN can, especially if the education system did not erase this ability by delivering and accepting only uniform content.
The FRONTIERS OF DIGITAL INFINITY are frequently closer than you will expect, this is why that’s why surrendering to the digital world and needs will resemble a dead end with a pile of dead against a steel wall
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free
Michael Rada, HUMAN