There is a reason why I am sharing with you, on the second day of 2023 images that I took at the beginning of July 2022.
The reason is the next INDUSTRY 5.0 project related to the POWER GENERATION. I am sure many of you remember the “ROPs” project that vibrates and wake-up the renewable energy industry that not only greenfields are suitable for new power-station installations. After the PGG is or was the ROPs project the next one seems impossible up to the moment of the first installation delivered results that surprised so many worldwide.
You may say WHY CHIMNEYS, they are not already utilized?
I think you should return to the GHAR-AGE ACADEMY CLASSROOM again
to learn the basic lesson
One primary function does not mean secondary utilization possibility is utilized
The Chimney represents much more potential even if it does not serve the primary function, of “distributing” the smoke and heat to the sky
If you look from the top down, you will see a big deep black hole or in other words big narrow pit.
Listening to DAVID BORLACE's “JUST HAVE A THINK” I recognized the next potential and on-the-ground-mine, which is invisible being in front of everyone's eyes.
I get in touch with one of the players
and we discussed my idea and it show up to be not only interesting but to be applied without any big changes (if we do not count the change of the shape of the weight)
Since I began to write this article pass already 7 days in which almost daily new information came with groundbreaking technologies, that can be utilized in ROPs implementation projects.
Same as with the name INDUSTRY 5.0, the ROPs do not represent only the original idea of RING OF POWERS fixed outside of existing construction or facility to generate power from sun and wind. It is much more, it become the TRANSFORMATION TITLE used by many
As a long-term user of Electric Unicycle and Rider, I know how important is to find the CENTER OF GRAVITY in my own body, as bodies of all whom I teach to ride and enjoy the ride
Before we end today, let me share with you one more article that is connected to the topic and I am sure, I do not have to explain why I placed it there
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free
Michael Rada, HUMAN