When I saw the image of Larry Zarcoff in the EUC community I knew it will become the header of my next article and here, it is.
The recent week was filled not only with rain but with fire and anger about the death of Floyd. Black man, who was pinched to the ground by the knee of a police officer, who need three others to keep Floyd on the ground until he dies.
FOUR PEOPLE KILL ONE and woke up hundreds of thousands not only in the USA, but worldwide.
Four-man representing POWER
Four-man who blindly follow and fulfill the orders of blind justice serving blind power.
It does remind me of something
Something I named eight months ago
Small article with big impact
It does not like the fire like the killing of a man does.
It just woke up many from a long sleep
We are not babies anymore and thus we behave like babies. We cry when we want to achieve something. We cry when disappointed. We search for the hand of the protector. We love shiny items and throw away what somebody says IS WRONG.
We look around for role models switching one with the next one if the mood has changed.
All of us we have been born with BRAIN
self-confidence, EGO
which we are giving free in exchange for money, phone, function or title
The four policemen execute power given by the man of power
or just execute own power, given by the temporary function, they have
No matter where the power came from, it ended in the death of a human being.
Instead of a priest, people with mobile phones, stream life the new reality show, which reminds so much on the DEMOLITION MAN and many more B-MOVIES of the 80´ where we have on mind IT´S JUST A MOVIE. nobody was hurt.
There is just one difference
It is not a movie
Death is real.
In the following hours, days, and weeks the number of violent protests grows up. Those who represent the “national” power cover their names and badges in shame for the work they do. Hiding faces try to remain NAMELESS.
Hitting the innocent, unprotected with anger
the flee from those who can pay the same back
The power is blind, the governments and politicians feel they are obsolete
Hiding behind the thick books or the rules named LAWS
Written by the dead ones for the living ones
There is time for a change and they feel it
This is good, it is just the turn for 98%
To prove blindness can be cured
by humanity
and fear
if you imagine it naked