start with the word YESTERDAY
There are many who know it best
In Czech we say
It may sound strange, but if you open internet, watch TV, read newspapers you will find that many knew what happened, after it happened, but did nothing to stop it happen
It is applied up to the level of governments and international organizations like the UNITED NATIONS who among many others created during one of the COP events the LOSS AND DAMAGE FUND
They did that instead of preventing the LOSS AND DAMAGE FROM HAPPENING
And be honest did you never say “I KNEW IT WILL HAPPEN”
Isn´t is strange
It seems like all of us are given the ability that only oracles make public letting others to make profit from their ability
In INDUSTRY 5.0 global ecosystem I watch every day new RESEARCHERS, ACADEMIA, and EXPERTS to do exactly that, instead of inventing new, they dive into the past to REVIEW and REWRITE to collect credit and profit for them, making it to a business model that fits so well.
Here are the words of one famous professor and researcher who knowing about INDUSTRY 5.0 origin for years prefer to promote INDUSTRY 5.0 FAKE because of being paid by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION for spreading the lies.
It seems like we look into the future by looking back
Ignoring the issues and fails of the past picking up only the good forgetting that only the winners write the history books
I was asked to reveal the name of the expert mentioned above, but I will not do that, because of damaging his remaining days
What I do instead of stealing other people´s work I concentrate on delivering my own, sharing it with all, and watching how it penetrates into languages, cultures, and life of many
I learn from the past, from the roots left behind by those who created our cities not for the dead ones but for the living ones to live inside
Let us do that together
And make the future instead of predicting what already can not be changed
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and be free
Michael Rada, HUMAN