It is coming, once again, the Silent Night
It is coming every year and for many in my country it was for many decades the only time when the police let them visit a church
It has been strange years having in the back peacekeepers from Soviet Union protecting Peace by applying its force and ideology that behind the western borders the Evil is living.
One year after the arrival of the forces my brother was born, two years after him I follow.
He was born in May, I was born on the day when the silent night fills the churches
For 53 years I celebrated my birthday and only once in my entire life I did so with friends.
It was three years ago, I was fifty and this greeting was prepared for me by INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSAORS and friends from all over the globe. It was unexpected, and touching surprise.
It was the last Birthday I celebrated with my GRANDAD who left forever to be with me forever nine months later
STILLE NACHT is in German and means SILENT NIGHT
I am here and have a mission to fulfill
For all nights to be silent and beautiful, with no sirens, no bombs, no tears, no fear, just LOVE of all among all, this is WASTELESS WORLD
No matter if 43 or 53 the aim is the same
The tears in my eyes do not hurt, but heal and I know that all I loved are with me, even being gone forever
One more day and the CHRISTMAS DAY will come delivering again the little Michael in the hands of his Mother who loves him and supports every single moment
Together in LOVE
Let us unite and be HUMAN, not for one, but 365 nights a year
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and be free
Michael Rada, HUMAN