Good morning everyone. How are you today? Have you seen the world? So beautiful today.
It is Sunday and I just arrived at my WorkPlace to prepare for the next week and to charge my EUC for the next ride
Yesterday I arrived at one of the ponds in the woods and find out that it turned green for the first time in five years. I am not sure how this happens, if good or bad, the fact is the otter on the other end probably move out to a new location.
I know the plant from my childhood. I pick it up to feed my fishes in the aquarium at hope and later to feed the chickens who delivered fresh eggs.
I am sure nature knows well what to do so differently from the HUMAN who considers that money can turn harm that was done into good.
I am waling and riding through the world, visiting factories one after the other delivering the message that the old evil can not be changed, but we can avoid the harm to continue by turning back to the OLD WAY and HABITS.
Just before I start to write this article I sat in a chair in the one hundred years old building my WorkPlace is situated in and I play my flute, letting my fingers speak for me.
They tell the story of the weeks and months, describing the silence of the noise and the noise of the silence. No words needed. For seven years already I work alone, having many to visit me, to discuss and learn, coming with questions and asking for help, to leave with advice, they apply to forget they can pay something back especially if millions are being generated after the advice and cooperation.
Sometimes I dream there are people ready to share with those who helped and shared already, but I miss them on my way because probably they speak somewhere about their own success or pay someone who builds his life on receiving instead of giving.
Sometimes I dream that the door of my WorkPlace will open and he or she enters with the words I am here to thank you for your advice and to give you a share of my profit that I have generated thanks to you.
Sometimes I dream Humans behave the same as nature rewarding helpers by fruits of its own heart.
Sometimes I dream
What about you?