There is a man, Muhaimin Iqbal, who lives and works in INDONESIA. Man who dedicates his life to food and planet. Man who came out in 2020 with the concept of INDUSTRY 0.0 and accepted my invitation to connect our business networks to cooperate.
Our discussions are not only the reason for this post but for the image in the header as well, which is very special to me. It reminds me of another discussion that took place almost 35 years ago. It was a discussion with my mum and the objective was that my mum did not love me to name myself a LUNATIC.
Here a little bit of explanation needed.
Already as a student I start to use three Czech words to describe myself
3xB, this was how I felt. My mum loves the other two but fail to love LUNATIC, she said GENIUS is preferred so I should not call myself to be mentally ill.
I go to my room, took one sheet of paper and my pencil and went back to my mum to explain. I draw the same uncompleted circle, on one end was the LUNATIC on the other GENIUS.
When we are born, all of us started at the same point, not a single born baby is genius, but can be called lunatic because it has to learn first and behave rather strange. As we walk on the circle of life, through the education we learn and few of us will reach the genius stage, all others remind on the way, stuck in someplace on the circle never reaching the top.
My mum, that was whole her life kindergarten teacher loved by all children, colleagues, parents stopped arguing and said “You are right my son, I do understand by now, what you mean, but I will keep calling you Michael”
I never reach the genius stage, I am just an ordinary man with no college, or university degree. Just from time to time I am asked to speak to the students and teachers to share my knowledge and experience I did not get from the academic lecture but a Teacher called LIFE and WORK. Both teach me many lessons and I never grow up, being at the beginning, just time to time make a step in the reverse direction to develop something nobody did before, like INDUSTRY 5.0.
In Fact, the concept of INDUSTRY 5.0 and the CONCEPT of INDUSTRY 0.0 are so close as pictured above. SO close that the first and last step seems to be one.
INDUSTRY 0.0 which every academics and expert forgot, starting with 1.0 is the beginning, the origin, the basic which nature teaches us and deliver. INDUSTRY 5.0 utilizes it in connection with the technology and machinery developed in the hands of a human.
There was no waste at the beginning and there would be no waste at the end
I am sure there would be interesting discussion and cooperation instead of wars and hate and humiliation and the consiety turns into society, living in harmony with man, machine, and nature.