Michael Rada
4 min readMar 2, 2022


For the first time in the history of “17” the CORE TASK was defined in the name of the article.

I am not sure if the following ones will continue, but it is worth consideration. The “17” challenge entered yesterday the 3 months of its existence, which means not 17, but 14 months would be left to fulfill the aim and create the WASTELESS WORLD.

Already in January started the GIANTS copied the strategy of “17” in a way of setting the deadlines shorter. ANTONIO GUTERRES, URSULA VON DER LEYEN, and many others said and declared that WE CAN NOT WAIT TILL 2030, BUT WE MUST ACT NOW.

There are a few hidden issues in these statements

  • The first one is that they are not mean seriously, just follow the advice of the same marketing strategists, so as advisors, who last time advice to speak about 2030, GREEN, SUSTAINABILITY, CLIMATE CRISES and similar.
  • The second one is is more seroius. The speakers are not willing to change themself, to apply the change to own organizations and companies. the are not willing to become the ROLE MODELS and this the reason why all effort is for nothing. PRETENDERS just pretend


It must be realy experince of youre not anyone else. It must be YOU who tried first and succeed or fail, both are important. Just be carefull to repeat fails on the cost of others because, it may happen that fails become well paid job, without any need or preasure to do better next time.

Many made fails to their own CORE BUSINESS and proudly present the to paying audience on F*CK UP NIGHTS and similar events.

It is natural to make mistakes and fail. It is not natural to be proud on them and sell them as the best goods. The finance ministers and advisors in many countries all around the globe started to call NATIONAL DEPT —> PROFIT.

The way down was sold as the way to the top.

Just 2 days before writing this article bitcoin drops 50% of its value from day to another taking with him all the remaining cryptocurrencies.

In the afternoo I was participating on an @UN event of CLIMATE CHAMPIONS and after asking few questions I was cut by the organizer

because my questions reveal the true nature of the champions and pretended sustainabiloity of speakers lead by the man who consider the fail of COP26 is a VICTORY.

There are many who asking for questions axpect just celebration. I am not celebrating fail, nor would INDUSTRY 5.0 celebrate the same.

One of my question was HOW A MAN BECOME A CLIMATE ACTION CHAMPION. As a answer I was send following link

This link is the proof that no RESULTS and PALPABLE RESULTS needed, istead of that the CLIMATE ACTION CHAMPION (well paid) must fullfill following

The champions work focuses on two crucial areas:

  1. Engage with interested Parties and non-Party stakeholders– This work builds on existing initiatives and supports new and more geographically diverse initiatives. Focus is placed on connecting initiatives and coalitions with national action plans such as nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. This helps bringing more transparency, with result tracking and lends demonstrable credibility to climate action.
  2. Input from the champions efforts to mobilize action helps the secretariat organize technical expert meetings and, in collaboration with the Executive Secretary and the current and incoming Presidents of the Conference of the Parties, coordinate annual high-level events to spur even greater ambition and action.

Many talk about changes delivering no results and get paid well for story telling, other deliver results, and get silenced as long as the SILENCER have the access to the SWITCH.

There is a way how not to get silenced. The way is called SHARING.

THis is why the next CORE TASK is called SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE

No matter which one you choose from the “17” project, simple share it using all accessible social and other media and best share it in spoken, so as written form. More forms you choose, more footprints you leave and more dificult would be for someone to silence you.

CONSTRUCTION OF WASTELESS WORLD is a SIMPLE AIM of a SIMPLE MAN and just 8 years after I started my journey the created network provide local access to 85% of global human population.

SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE with me as well and become the one who BUILD THE FUTURE in which he/she or it will live and in which would live all who come later.

Have a nice time free of WASTE and WASTING in all its forms and stay SAFE

Michael Rada, HUMAN



Michael Rada
Michael Rada

Written by Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0

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