I am not sure, what you see, but I see a wall
A thick, massive wall of a water castle
And I see a stone Garden at the same time
It is only the man, who is looking at the item as a single-purpose item. Nature does not do the same. It was not the same in the past, because in the past, the man feels to be part of nature and he or she behaves according to that, with respect and fear from the powers he or she was not able to explain.
As time goes by, many “powers” have been revealed and the fear was exchanged with another feeling, the feeling of OWN POWER, the feeling of leader creature. King and Queens of the world, the Rulers of the universe (until the next flood came).
At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, the business run by a businessman introduced the first consumer single-use item and started the “devolution” falling down from the stairs to heaven. Step by step we began to turn into throw-away society and end up in CONSIETY, CONSUMABLE SOCIETY, where WASTE IS MUST and WASTING THE SIGN OF SUCCESS.
Many parents see the stone as a single-use or single-purpose item breaking down the castles, gardens, and universe created by their own children by explaining “IT IS JUST A STONE, DO NOT PLAY WITH IT”
Who is right?
The grown-ups or the small ones?
The answer delivered long before the advice came
When children see potential we call it FANTASY. When adults see potential CREATIVITY is the name. The issue is that we lose the ability to see during our education and “personal development” from a child to an adult.
INDUSTRY 5.0 woke the child in an adult. Recall the skills that we possessed once and if applied correctly in a framework of personal development, it becomes the true treasure of our life.
Let us play again on the playground of life, be 97 years young as the Great Man above.