Once again standing on the time river bank
There is 27 times the world TIME mentioned in the WASTELESS WORLD STORY already and I think thousand times more frequently I spoke about the importance and value of time with students, teachers, managers, presidents, fathers and mothers, I did so with so many that I do not count, but I do remember every single one.
In one of my articles published in the past, I call myself a man on a bank of the river of time and this is how I feel today again.
Yesterday I delivered my speech and today I sit in the same chair and write this line to be published next week. It is Saturday and I spoke already to my mum, same as every single day to deliver different thoughts in her life carrying for others forgetting herself frequently.
My Mother is 71 years young and she is a lovely wife to her husband, my Father 78, and lovely daughter to her father 97 years young.
She is a strong woman helping others, refusing to be helped her. Parkinson, shaking hands, troubles with legs, she is every day first up preparing the day for others.
I love my mum and know she loves me.
Yesterday she was the first one I share my feeling after delivering the 2020 INDUSTRY 5.0 KEYNOTE and I was happy she was so proud of her present delivered back in 1971 on Christmas Eve, December 24th. Whole life does she spend teaching small children in kindergarten, delivering knowledge, skills, and love to the life the same as her father, my Granddad did to students.
All of us live on the time riverbank, the only difference is that just a few see it and enjoy the view. The other run for their life to realize at the end, being out of breath, that the beauty and power were all the time next to them, it was just enough to stretch the hand.
There are 300 years in this image. Three hundred years of HUMAN life.
None of us can stop the time, but instead of the enemy, we can call him a friend or partner. This is what changes the lives, this is what I will recommend to all.
I am the youngest in the picture, but I am able to teach all of my family members to return what was given once to my own cradle and life.
I know my mum will never read these lines, so as will not my father, for they speak only Czech, but my Grandfather will for English is one of many languages he speaks and understand.
I just got a call from my mum. She said she spends 35:34 minutes on my youtube video watching the INDUSTRY 5.0 FROM VIRTUAL TO PHYSICAL 2020 speech despite the fact it was in English. She said that through our discussion she learned so much already that she does not need the translation and this makes me happy.
I hope we will meet on the riverbank of Time and would build our home together