O.S.O the answer to S.O.S
The O.S.O is the abbreviation of three Czech words
O.S.O means EXPERTIZE-TRUSTINESS-LIABILITY this is the tool of the after the pandemic restoration which we have already started in our country by setting up the first document in form of MATRIX helping companies to recognize the true “danger” within the supply chain and to ask for help people and companies with long term expertise in the field of business.
O.S.O is an open platform, managed by man (HUMAN) the same as INDUSTRY 5.0 and I am happy to be the man.
My strength is not in the “name of celebrity”, “fortune”, “position”, “size of my company” or my “VIP status”. My strength is in realizing the fact that I am human and I am proud of it, so proud that even my business card carries this title
My Endurance, Readiness, Experience, Aspiration, Skills, Imagination and the most important my WILL TO FINISH WHAT I HAVE STARTED.
O.S.O is a tool in the form of a platform efficiently and at the right time connecting people and businesses speaking one language only, the language of efficiency. A language in which everyone will understand the same, with no doubts. There is already a website domain registered back in 2018.
The meaning of “SEZNAM SE” is “GET TO KNOW”
And this is the first step which everyone should do after RECOGNIZING the opportunity, the next would be
RECONSIDERATION before the sweet reward would be delivered in the form of REALIZATION.
In the Czech Republic, I have partners already who recognized and support O.S.0 development, right now I am looking for partners with whom we would be able to scale the O.S.O from local to the global platform because there is one truth which many forget in the time of emergency
Stop calling for help, Deliver help instead.
If you have questions, look at ours, maybe they help you to find the answers as well