I spent the midnight of July 30, 2020, in discussion with Dr. Abraham Khoureis an Award-winning Mentor — Multi-talented Thought Leader — Host: Leadership & Politics Show — Disability Rights Advocate.
We have talked INDUSTRY 5.0
Why at midnight?
Because he was in his office in Los Angeles and I was sitting in Plzen, and there are eleven hours of the time difference between the two places.
It was a very interesting and fruitful discussion delivering various perspectives on the content of the last five years of my own life.
Many questions have been asked and many answered
One, which repeatedly appears during the interview was WHAT IS INDUSTRY 5.0, WHAT DOES IT REPRESENT?
Step by step we come closer and at the very end Abraham said
I know it
and his smile and the sparks in his eyes have been the proof of Satori
I remember my own coming not in meditation but in hard work and discussions one by one during the whole decade and I am sure similar was before as well, I just did not realize how important the moment.
YOU CAN NOT PATENT WASTELESS MINDSET was my reply as we discussed how to protect the IPO, but you can share and deliver it to many to be shared by them.
The same evening just one hour prior to our talk I have received final confirmation of my invitation to deliver the closing speech to one of the biggest industry events in India organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry, a conference celebrating 125 years of existence.
I was very happy the organizer asks me to deliver my speech next to the CEOs and company and corporations leaders
Same topic, INDUSTRY 5.0
Do not worry, I will not travel to India this time, the event will be held on-line and this is why not only famous business leaders from India can join, but from JAPAN, USA, ISRAEL, and CZECHIA.
Two days filled with insights and information leading to the recovery of the industry, bot just in India, but all around the globe.
I know that almost all the companies represented by the honorable speakers own hundreds and thousands of patents not only in their countries but worldwide. The companies and corporations spend millions of Dollars and Euros to secure the RIGHTS just for them.
INDUSTRY 5.0 is not protected by IPO, not in a way the companies mentioned above did and follow. INDUSTRY 5.0 is protecting itself being born and delivered by one and the only article who first in the world name it and name the principles it have a name
a name that will be repeated just five years later on one of the biggest events in India.
Same as the MINDSET, EVOLUTION can not be protected, but once started, it can not be stopped and I am happy the principles that nature presents for millions of years Human can use to control the first industrial evolution to head into the right direction towards the wasteless world.
Have a nice day free of waste and wasting in all its forms and stay safe, hope to see you on August 21st, 2020 on an event that changes the Indian industry and not only that.