Do you use GPS on your trips?
Do you use it regularly for all your trips, or only during your trips into unknown areas or for your trips to unknown addresses?
The majority of us do not use GPS just in the car, but sometimes our navigation helps on to navigate ourselves right walking in a city or in nature, or to find our parked car.
From just simple support, many become addicted to GPS signals helping us through technology.
It is hard to believe and many say, you can not recognize if tech-addicted
I have a small test for you. which will deliver you the answer if you are addicted or not yourself
Just change the word “RIGHT” with the word “LEFT” in your GPS navigation and use it in real life. Be careful, it is most probably, that you will take a wrong turn one or more times.
Just now imagine that the change will not be done by you, but by someone who sends updates to your GPS, EV, SMARTWATCH, MOBILE PHONE, or anywhere else.
It is not you, who has the finger or hand on the SWITCH
so do not forget about it
There is a way out of the trouble. The way the leads you out of the addiction. Don´t be addicted.
Using the example of a SMARTPHONE, switch all the notifications off and keep just the standard phone call and SMS on. With this small step, you will make the big jump in your life, because you will find, what you were missing for so long
My own experience told me it will change your life to YOUR LIFE
and trust me, not a single second is being wasted by people who LIVE MEANINGFUL LIFE.
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe, free and VISIBLE, being the ROLE MODEL FOR ALL
Michael Rada, HUMAN