New Year just came
Every year I do celebrate the new year 7 days before the rest of the world. In 2019 I celebrate it on the green fields of golf course renamed to GREENS GATE PLZEN DYŠINA, situated close to Plzen, Czech Republic, Europe, Earth.
It was 9°C and the flowers bloom
Too late or too early?
Only the man asks.
Nature does. Nature does all the time without asking if, why or when. This is Evolution.
I celebrated my 48th birthday yesterday, many did with me and many celebrate without knowing I was born on that day. I was not alone. Many have been given birth on December 24.
I ask many questions, but at the same time, I deliver the answers and solutions. I am raised from nature and become human within the environment of society.
It was a long journey before reaching the point of self-awareness and responsibility. Nature needs millions of years to create an environment for life. I will not have so much time. This is the reason why I give the name of a new direction, developed tools and does implement them in the industrial environment.
From one heart, one man, wasteless world is being delivered and within just a few years after the delivery roots spreading across the globe
My own new year starts for almost five decades one week before the calendar year. It was not different this year with one exception. The exception which changed my life and will change the life of billions around the globe.
The construction of WASTELESS WORLD fulfills all my life and I dedicate to it all I have. I never ask others to do, without doing myself. I do not ask anyone to pay in advance before the result delivered. I care of MY HOME
I have recognized the future is handmade and there is no shortcut to the future. There are many eyes which watch, but even more which being closed let others destroy the only home we have in the universe.
At the age of 16, the young girl painted the image which helps many to understand. She gives it to her 3x older father and he show it to his twice so old grandfather.
16 48 96
It is not a coincidence, it is much more.
The new year started for me earlier than for many, so did my journey to the wasteless world. I do not have to wait for GRETA to tell me something is wrong. I do not wait for 2035, 2050 or 2100 political promises. If I do, I will never see the result.
But I am here not to leave lifeless home behind
The Wasteless world would never be free of life
This is worth every breath I breathe
Same as you do