In one of the previous chapters, I opened the topic of obsolency of the system based on money and I would like to go a little deeper.
Deeper in history in which, a long time ago, money became more valuable than a palpable result delivered by manual or mental work. Long time before Stories overrun in value Results
In these times people directly exchanged results.
- Bread for Milk
- Housing for Education
- Cow for Clothing
The change came with RELIGION which was one of the first to sell hope and belief for money, economic benefits, goods, and services. Later on, the INDULGENCES have been introduced which serve as prepayment for doing evil and not being punished by GOD or GODES.
Due to increasing wealth of churches and religions, it was necessary to turn physical items into smaller ones, keeping the same value, and here came the tiny shiny objects, which received later the name MONEY
For a long time, money was just “metal-based” before paper show to be more convenient until both became obsolete when digital currency was introduced to complete the cycle in which hope is prepaid by invisible currency.
We are on the edge of MONEY LESS SOCIETY
Are we ready to be MONEY LESS AGAIN?
What changes will be part of the transformation?
- We will not need any wallets
- Our actual wealth will depend on access to data and electricity
- No money will be owned by us, but those who have their hand on the switch
- The rich and poor status will be determined by others, not us
With the understanding of the change, the value of physical items will grow again, the value of palpable results will grow
Those who would be able to bake the bread will be more valued than those who talk about the way how bread must be baked
MONEY LESS SOCIETY will reduce bribery and crime, especially cybercrime will decline the same strongly, as the value of TESLA bonds after the latest elections skyrocketed.
Virtual value based on power will decline
It does not happen overnight
but it will happen
and those who stopped looking for MORE because of finding enough will lead others, not using the REINS
but own example
Looking forward to meeting you soon
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free
Michael Rada, HUMAN