What is LOVE?
So many poets and authors described it. So many movies are dedicated to it and despite millions of names and descriptions, it seems the right one is still missing.
Because the WASTELESS WORLD is being built from and with LOVE, this is already the fifth time the term is in the name of a chapter, and not only that. Just recently it became the topic of THE POWER OF TOUCH, LINKEDIN LIVE AUDIO event so as of the WASTELESS WORLD TALKS
As you can hear from our discussion there are many forms of LOVE, and not all of them are selfish benefiting just one or few and damaging others.
It is interesting that even science tries to find out more and fails, same as the Healthcare and other industries. What find all the same is the fact that people in love are easy to trick and manipulate.
Look at THE Valentine's DAY
on which we celebrate LOVED ONES
by buying gifts and presents and sending flowers killed to prove the eternity
It is not my intention to pretend to be the expert on LOVE
which I am not, but I can help to understand why LOVE despite more and more promotion disappear from our life.
The reason is that it becomes a commodity
One of Many that we can buy. Order online to be delivered within 12 or even 6 hours.
I do not speak here about the love between two people but about the love of shining objects that have so many shapes and sizes and colors and …
The POWER OF TOUCH, which took place just four hours before the recorded WASTELESS WORLD TALKS reveal that sometimes HUMAN can love a THING, a PRODUCT, that can help him or her to “eliminate” loneliness just by answering or even starting a talk.
LOVE is eternal energy that is handed over from one generation to another, it is more powerful than hate, and because of that the flowers on cemeteries never disappear, so as people that come to share at a grave the happiness, sorrows, and stories with those who can only listen
My mum promised her Father, my GrandDad, that his ashes would be mixed with the ashes of his wife, her Mother, and my GrandMother, and as promised, it was done. They are united again, the same as they have been for more than 65 years during their life.
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free, and value the true LOVE
Michael Rada, HUMAN