Michael Rada
3 min readAug 2, 2023


Since the very beginning of publishing the chapters of INDUSTRY 5.0 diary, back in 2014, I use the word LIMIT in the name of the chapter four times, in three chapters.

The first time was on July 5, 2014, when, 2 months before the registration of my company I described the company's work using a name assigned 2 months later

The second time came almost one year later and the name of the chapter contains twice the same term

The third and at this moment the last time was in 2020, and bring us to the moon

Every time it was different and every time the same word deliver different emotions to me so as to the reader.

I hope the same happens today because, despite the existence of limits, INDUSTRY 5.0 based on HUMAN HUMANITY is limitless

The same limitless is the ability to change and transform

BLUE OCEAN that no one expects

BLUE OCEAN that few believe to survive

BLUE OCEAN that changes the limits and breaks borders

It is Sunday, June 4th, and the FORCE IS WITH US, with no need to wait for another month. The first regular readers will get the possibility to read these lines on August 2nd and we almost matched the perfect score that seems to be impossible because of limits set.

During the day I ride twice on my electric unicycle, which seems to be impossible to ride

It will be offered to MOUNTAIN EMERGENCY SERVICES that think first to be impossible to use in forests and mountains, before I explained the limit to be just the rider, not the machine.

I was told by so many that the limit of growing a business and network is funding and money. Having none I need 21 months to create a network in 111 countries and industries that started to be called the leading global industrial trend of the century.

I was told to be too old to become first time entrepreneur at 43, but I proved the limit does not limit me, and today helping others 45+ to start their new journey similar as I did

I was told that industries never change and healthcare will remain the same, but it starts to change by implementing principles introduced by ignoring limits set by others

I was told without an academic degree nobody will listen to me, but 500 universities open the door and stretch the hand reaching for my own for the system transformation

I was told that STARTUPS need money but I realized they need a helping hand instead

I was told I need to travel to be present but I stay home and still be on all continents in one day

All the limits presented to me seem to disappear when you just try what seems to be impossible.


Have a nice time free of waste and waste in all its forms, stay safe, free and VISIBLE, taking all limits of life into the history of mankind

Michael Rada, HUMAN



Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0