INDUSTRY 5.0 is not the fifth industrial revolution as some of the “experts” try to declare but the first industrial evolution ever leads by man (HUMAN). You can trust me for I am the man, who defines the content.
INDUSTRY 5.0 is based on the principles of SYSTEMATIC WASTE PREVENTION applied by another system I invented, on INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING.
If you ask what is the INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING based on, the answer is rather simple. It is based on the logic of nature.
Same as the nature INDUSTRY 5.0 does not waste, it does the very opposite, it prevent waste happen long before it may occur. Some may say I am talking about CIRCULAR ECONOMY or CRADLE TO CRADLE, but I am not. The reason for the delivery and definition of INDUSTRY 5.0 principles was simply the lack of results.
CIRCULAR ECONOMY introduced 30 years ago resulting in the never-ending chain of meetings, donations, studies but lack of physical results. Every policymaker uses the words but delivers empty content. Everyone knows what to do, but nobody does it in reality.
CRADLE TO CRADLE is slightly better for it is being applied in a smaller environment of workshops and craftsmen, who simple change and watch their own work and its results and help if the end is coming closer. Repair, renewal, upcycling, all included, but on a small scale only.
INDUSTRY 5.0 is based on INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING which helped in six years to prevent more than 500.000 MT or if you want 500.000.000 kg of material and products to become waste. In the real world of real factories, companies, materials, and products.
With results delivered I get my invoices paid and I can invest in further expansion.
Every single project saved a lot of money to clients who decided it is better to generate profit instead of waste and I have to say, YES, IT IS.
Same as the nature INDUSTRY 5.0 evolve to remain and grow. It is the very opposite approach industrial revolutions have. Fro first to fourth shorter and shorter.
EVOLUTION has to start with the roots, expanding slowly but holding the ground tight. Healthy sprouts survive the unhealthy turn into the soil and fertilizer. Water is needed and passion, not a bank account.
People with love are needed, not people with money
This is what makes INDUSTRY 5.0 and slows its global expansion at the same time.
INDUSTRY 5.0 was born in the heart of Europe, in the Czech Republic, in city named Plzen, which is well known for its beer but not so much for its people.
Born in a one hundred years old building, small workplace and office a man, who is proud to have the highest title on his business card.
My role model can not be found in FORBES, TOP TENS, LIST OF RICHEST, WEALTHIERS or FAMOUS and still, everyone see it every day.
But if you look deep into the mind and soul of INDUSTRY 5.0 you will see a man, human who has just one and only aim and who will not give up until he sees the result.