Michael Rada
3 min readNov 16, 2020


INDUSTRY 5.0 started on December 1st, 2015

It started with one and only article in my blog. An article named INDUSTRY 5.0 FROM VIRTUAL TO PHYSICAL originally published on my LINKEDIN BLOG to be two years later mirrored on my MEDIUM BLOG

It was not just one of many articles, it was one that resonates with me and with first readers so strongly that they express their feeling in comments and messages sent to me. I knew it was different, but even I was not able to expect the size and the impact that the name would deliver.

It summarizes in short form principles that become clear to me during the realization of INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING projects realized since 2013 so as resulted from 23 years of professional career history in local so as international companies and corporations.

In the following year's INDUSTRY 5.0 brushed up with every realized project and the DEFINITION that came in January 2017 so as the growing number of copycats and trials to steal the name have been the proof my feeling was right.

From the very beginning, I was asked for the price. Not the price, but complexity, function, results, these have represented the core of my work, but with the global expansion in 2020 the question of pricing came again, and this time with much bigger intensity.

In October 2020 I have decided to LICENSE INDUSTRY 5.0 use and let the license become one of the tools of the healthy development of the first industrial EVOLUTION ever led by man (HUMAN).

Based on discussions with partners and clients, we have decided to offer new clients two possibilities, the first one is the SPONSORSHIP of INDUSTRY 5.0 and the second is the LICENSING.

SPONSORSHIP represents more or less passive support with the dedicated rights to be connected to INDUSTRY 5.0. It starts with 5.000 EUR/Year and ends up with 100.000,-EUR/Year.

LICENCING is based on different principles, it represents PRO-ACTIVE membership in INDUSTRY 5.0 society. LICENSEE becomes an active member of the INDUSTRY 5.0 global network and gets access to all resources available worldwide. The size of the payment is connected to the size of the company and the number and size of the realized projects. Same as with all licensing agreements the payment consist of UP-FRONT payment and ROYALTIES.

The value of INDUSTRY 5.0 and global systematic waste prevention was estimated in 2019 to 475. USD and in 2021 it should reach over already. The reason for the increase of the value is the steps announced by governments so as financial institutions, and global organizations including WORLD BANK, UNITED NATIONS, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, and many more. SUSTAINABILITY is the new future and this is the systematic waste prevention increase so significantly on the value in such a short time.

No matter which kind of INDUSTRY 5.0 support you choose, the first who will feel the benefits would be you and your company because as many said the turn from wasteful to wasteless mindset was delivering profitability and change so urgently needed for a company or business development.

One of the reason is the CURIOSITY that wakens up

So it is a very different point of view that is being delivered and revealed

For a long time already INDUSTRY 5.0 is not limited to one industry or location. It was developed to be applicable everywhere, by everyone, and in every business environment and I hope you will choose the right way best applicable to you and your business.

Let us connect together and build-up unity not to segment into silos or islands that burned the communication bridges concentration solely on the own, ignoring the fact “own” is part of the complex image.

But more about this risk in the next article



Michael Rada
Michael Rada

Written by Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0

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