Michael Rada
4 min readSep 29, 2021


On September 21st, 2021 I have noticed at FORBES for the first time the words GREAT RESIGNATION

and I have learned that FORBES just used the new term “invented” by someone else some time ago.

It is interesting how the FORBES AGENCY MEMBERS can utilize existing to deliver interesting content. With this in mind, I just ask myself what makes the same publisher ignore for six years the existence of INDUSTRY 5.0 delivering since 2013 just 11 misleading articles ignoring the origin and impact of INDUSTRY 5.0 which is being delivered already two years (2013) before the official launch of INDUSTRY 5.0 (2015–12–01).

I think that the main reason can be that the value of INDUSTRY 5.0 is not counted by money like GDP but instead, GHP* is the criteria is GHP**


Instead of valuating products INDUSTRY 5.0 valuate HUMANS

It does so from the very beginning this is why it is so different from all existing standards and many ignore it

The value of the global GDP is at the date of writing this article (2021–09–25) 84,34 Trillion USD

The value of global GHP is at the same date 5 Billion but the estimated saving that this value thanks INDUSTRY 5.0 generates at the same time is 475 Trillion USD.

Despite the fact that “STATISTA” predicts continuous GLOBAL GDP GROWTH

the 2021 results are lower than 2020.

At the same time INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSADORS network is 73 times bigger

At this point, you may ask yourself why should INDUSTRY 5.0 be the key to Great Resignation. The answer is simple and has all to do with the types of waste INDUSTRY 5.0 prevents to happen


The GREAT RESIGNATION represents SOCIAL & PROCESS WASTE, but touch the remaining two as well, because of being one ecosystem in which nothing and no one is left behind.

The key is in the delivery of MEANINGFUL work which must be part if the MEANINGFUL LIFE should be lived.

Most of the employees who are leaving and who would be leaving their jobs are not looking for the next role of a small wheel in a big clockwork, but they would like to be the clockwork, the power, the beauty, the LIFE.

INDUSTRY 5.0 represent the FIRST INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION EVER LAD BY MAN (HUMAN) and MEANINGFULNESS is one of our core results delivered.

The people who resign from their jobs are not lazy, expecting someone else will feed them for them to do nothing. The look to do something close to their heart and soul. This is the true value of HUMAN and HUMANITY.

Every one who leave the job is welcome to find new in INDUSTRY 5.0 Ecosystem. It may not be as easy as the previous one. It may not be rewarded with same level of salary, but it rewards the owner with respect and value other people are willing to pay for the ORIGINAL, not just for one of the millions of copies produced by smart machines for consumers.

Some of you may say but WIKIPEDIA define GHP as

and I am sure that we will find many others if we ask google

but in relation to INDUSTRY 5.0 and the new gloabl ecosystem the meaning is from now only one


This is value expressed by number of people who has local access to the tools of systematic waste prevention. With every new INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSADOR, this number grow, with every birth, with every realized project that aim the CONSTRUCTION OF WASTELESS WORLD

Within just one year (2020–10–14 to 2021–09–25) the AMBASSADORS NETWORK grom from ZERO to 73 members representig GATES TO WASTLESS WORLD providing access to the tools of systematic waste prevention to more that 5.063.384.623 HUMANS and the number is growing

I am not sure if any of the top consultancy companies, visionaries and world leaders find a name for the solution, but I have one


and I do not think we need another one

Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms and stay safe

Michael Rada, HUMAN



Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0