During my recent control of INDUSTRY 5.0 development delivered Google among others the following link
Which direct me to an article starting with the following header image
The article was not signed. It was one of many delivered on the same page
In the article, there is just a single time named INDUSTRY 5.0 and it seems like the only reason was to be listed if the INDUSTRY 5.0 is being searched, for the conclusion has nothing to do with INDUSTRY 5.0 in fact, it proves how INDUSTRY 4.0 can be attacked easily in the times of emergency.
It seems to me that the publisher does make phishing a useful tool for himself, using the curiosity and interest in INDUSTRY 5.0.
I contacted the company on the indicated e-mail, but never ger a reply.
I know it is unpleasant to hear the truth, but it must be said, to find the way back on the right track.
It reminds me of my discussion with another company, coming from UKRAINE, who did not just use the name INDUSTRY 5.0, but in fact start workshops to teach others about it.
The CEO of the company even presented an outlook up to INDUSTRY 8.0
This is nice, but I have to ask, how strong and stable will the house be when its foundations are laid on unpaved ground?
I try to communicate the mistake company is already doing with not understanding the complexity and the principles of INDUSTRY 5.0. I offered help and cooperation and the only answer I get from one of the employees is the list of links to articles published 3 to 4 years after the introduction of INDUSTRY 5.0 written by people who even did not try to input the name of INDUSTRY 5.0 into the search machine.
Does INDUSTRY 5.0 have to fear hackers?
Not really.
Because it goes from VIRTUAL to PHYSICAL, not the other way round as some try to say.
The future is built with hands with the support of data and computers, but not otherwise.
It depends just on the users if they keep them in place of tools like we do in INDUSTRY 5.0, or they glorify them to GODS as it is done in INDUSTRY 4.0 and misconceptions of INDUSTRY 5.0 so frequently presented by companies like these two, which are the reason why my INDUSTRY 5.0 development control frequency increased from once per month to once per day.
P.S. In 30 years of business I have not seen a factory worker in such clean overall, looking with safety goggles into the running computer screen without a single reflection on the glasses surface. I would like the false prophets to visit the real factory at least once, to see how the physical work looks like