INDUSTRY 5.0 four years later
When I asked google today to find me INDUSTRY 5.0 I got a list of 186 million results in less than half a second. The first link relates to the INDUSTRY 5.0 definition published on MEDIUM.COM. The author is Michael Rada.
When I search the same in section NEWS I got only 243K results. The first and the third relates to articles from same author.
The question is who is Michael Rada? Who is the man who delivers so many articles, videos, images related to the INDUSTRY 5.0? Is he just a computer-generated image or the AI itself, or is he a man, HUMAN to be exact.
I know him quite well, seeing him every single day of his life. We are the same age and we share much more, we share one body, one mind, and one soul.
Michael Rada is not rich. He does not count to the people on the top of any official rating. He is not being invited to the biggest events and influencers meeting, nor does he become a celebrity through his presence in media.
He is just one of the UNNOTICED ones you meet every day on the streets
His story is very different from the story related to INDUSTRY 5.0. Delivered in one beautiful winter day, on December 1st, 2015 INDUSTRY 5.0 grow stronger and stronger every day.
From one word, and one image to DEFINITION floating through the world. Being born from years of the physical experience of implementing its principles in factories and companies is helps to prevent waste happen. From a single item to full factory, from automotive to food and leisure industry, from production to logistics. Not matter where it comes, it simply works.
The reason may be the twenty-three years of business experience, years which deliver the insights to be considered by delivering something new.
Four years after the INDUSTRY 5.0 introduction, the governments and organizations call INDUSTRY 4.0 THE FUTURE, having no time to look around and see it become already part of the history of the industry. It becomes just one blind spot or dead road. Strongly financed by many who love to build dead ends, again and again, looking at the confusion of those who face it asking the creators for advice, giving them their own money and time to lead them out.
Conferences being called to show up, blaming the speakers in the eyes of everyone who is able to use the internet and any search engines.
I am Michael Rada. INDUSTRY 5.0 is not a revolution but the evolution and it delivers results, not stories and this is one of the reasons why so dangerous to the “leaders” and dead-end builders because it changes the habits of consumerism and the new principles on which fortune has been built.
In just four years INDUSTRY 5.0 visited more countries than me and met more people than I was able to meet in my whole life.
I meet on my way many people, each of them have something that the celebrities do not — heart and soul.
INDUSTRY 5.0 is built on HUMAN skills and emotions.
This is why I am happy INDUSTRY 5.0 grow and wish for the next years to be stronger and stronger helping the Earth to be healthier so as society wise