Michael Rada
4 min readDec 1, 2021


Born on December 1st, 2015


Same as many times before in mankind's history it was the world that started the change. I am not a historian myself but I was told by a few, that it is the first time in history that a man (HUMAN) has started INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION because all people before aim REVOLUTIONS instead.

Today is December 1st, 2021, I arrived in my office shortly after 5 AM and I am so proud and happy it is the same office which I was able to call, for the first time in my business career, MY OWN.

In six years the little HUMANS should be ready to enter the school education. Unfortunately many all around the globe are not given this opportunity, being treated as HUMAN WASTE same as the old ones not strong enough to deliver same results as delivered for thirty, forty or even fifty years.

Many have to live on the streets not having a roof. Many called homeless, in the cities full of empty homes, buildings, factories, and closed shopping malls, helping on the construction site of new cities, homes, hotels, and factories which become sooner or later URBAN WASTE

Digging in the ground, crawling through narrow passages to get copper, lithium, gold, diamonds, cocoa, cotton being happy for a Dollar a day, or a week, to feed their families, looking behind the fences on the cars and clothing of the rich. Given the opportunity to do so on the screens of mobile happiness, if wifi and power found. Filling the empty containers returned across the ocean to be filled with luxury, that become waste soon in a PROCESS WASTE

For eight years I spend all my time following one and only aim, TO BUILD a WASTELESS WORLD and from this aim INDUSTRY 5.0 was born inside of my heart and soul. My hands shaking from time to time, my stomach empty, but less PHYSICAL WASTE left behind. I am not measuring my carbon footprint, because I don´t see and can not touch the etalon to do so and no result is visible after the footprint shrinks. Instead of CARBON, I measure WASTE VOLUME in kilograms and volume.

It is easy to measure and the waste reduction is visible immediately and everyone can touch the ground or water to feel how the absence of waste feels and how does it looks like.

Six HUMAN YEARS are in DOG´s years 40 or 49 depending on the breed size

I will be in 23 days FIFTY YEARS YOUNG myself and INDUSTRY 5.0 has become already my teacher. Together we teach many others and many others teach us. I am happy to see my child grow and do not fear it will hurt anyone HUNTING FOR MORE.

  • At the age of SIX, it was invited to join the UNITED NATIONS conference named WORLD INVESTMENT FORUM
  • At the age of FIVE, it started the AGE OF INDUSTRY 5.0 in INDIA

In just six years of life, I achieved so much without having a single doubt on the goal which I put in the cradle together with my breath and the beat of my own heart.

every single day from the moment of birth. INDUSTRY 5.0 changes the world. It does so in small steps every second one, 189.216.000 in total, and each of the steps resonates and wake up more small steps not walking in a permanent circle but walking towards one and only aim.

I will celebrate in my office alone today, but I am sure many are with me, with us and I would like to ask you one favor, please write in the comment what do you wish to INDUSTRY 5.0, we will read it together and I will make next video reading the wishes you send

Dear ladies and gentlemen, Dear HUMANS, together with INDUSTRY 5.0 we wish you, have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms and stay safe and healthy with all you love.

Michael Rada, HUMAN & INDUSTRY 5.0




Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0