What a coincidence. In six days my company would be exactly six years old. Many will say it is a good time for the kindergarten if it would not already travel the world and set up own universities and education centers
One hundred and seventeen countries. If INMAPS still exists, would be happy to visualize 10.246 contacts of my business network and I am sure it would be an impressive image.
When I left after 23 years my corporate life, the life of an employee, my database contains less than 1.500 contacts. In one year of an entrepreneur, it doubled. Today is three-time as big as before and growing every single day.
Maybe you ask what changed?
I am not sure
My face seems to be the same like before
I was born as human and grown into being a HUMAN
I have two hands, two legs, one head, and one body, this is all I need from employee to employer. Is there needed more?
I think that the biggest shift was for me the understanding of the meaning of the only title I had on my business card.
Not Manager, not President, but HUMAN makes the true change, not because of the word on my business card, but because of the transformation of my own mindset.
In 1892, lumberjacks cut down 1300 years old sequoia tree named MARK TWAIN
Two generations ago, our planet carries not only digital, but real fortune, and people don't have to cut 100 trees in one day, but one tree in one hundred days to have enough to eat, enough to heat, enough to build, and enough to sell.
I am sure each sawing was accompanied by a prayer of forgiveness to the grandfather and giant of all threes known at that time.
My company was established to prepare the ground stone for the first industrial evolution ever led by man (HUMAN) and needs another year of existence to deliver not only the name but the principles and content, only so can INDUSTRY 5.0 be born.
It was set into soil prepared much longer time, soil prepared by the same hands, delivered on the same legs, and watched by the same yeas, the only difference was the sense of belonging and unity. INDUSTRY 5.0 was not created as a never-ending source of power or financial fortune. It was not created to support the interest of one small group of people or parties. It was not set to the world to make one rich and others poor.
It was created to change the direction of life on the planet.
Instead of exclusion and supremacy, the unity between all life on the planet.
Not UNITED NATIONS, Not WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, Not EUROPEAN UNION, OPEC, G7, or WORLD BANK, not a single one of the virtual entities will deliver similarly.
Only the HUMAN who let all personal interests behind is able to look behind the curtain and tear it down after he or she finds out how to utilize the fruits and share them to all.
18 days prior to the publication of this article and three days from now on, I will hold on to the best logistics conference in the country in my next keynote speech. I will reveal why the way home is all the time faster than the same way in the opposite direction. I do believe to make hundreds more aware of their humanity.
The true value is not in turnover or skyrocketing production quantity, it is in the touch of a human, in the ability to use all existing without ending the long life of one for the short life of others.
In six days my company would be six and in three months I would be forty-nine. It is not the number, it is not the age, it is not the title, it is not the money that makes the change
I am sure you have the same, so join me, it is never too late