The product above is rated “EPIC 9” and here is the explanation.
The EPIC RATING is based on criteria related to processes which the existence of the product influence.
- Production material (source, type of production, logistics)
- Production methodology
- Logistics
- Localization
- Reusability
- Influence and changes to current products and environment
- Compatibility
- Accessibility
- Price (affordability)
- End of life processing possibility
Ten criteria, which have to be considered and evaluated before being able to rate. Ten criteria that can not be evaluated so simple, because all of them request the ability to see the complex image and be able to understand the connectivity and the way how one influence the other. Ten criteria that can be applied on existing so as on the planned one to help, if needed to prevent waste happen
I know there are hundreds and thousands of certifications and agencies responsible. Everyone concentrates on one or a few segments, but non, not even ISO is able to cover all and there is one more point that lets me start from scratch. It is the number of walls covered with certificates in factories, businesses, and corporations. Certificates proving they are in line with certification and this is why black and green are not only the words but belts and gold and platinum BREEM and similar deliver the proof of WELL DONE CHAMPION
Then you go out of the room and it is enough to open the eyes to see, that the delivered feeling was just caused by pretended sustainability. WELL PAID PRETENDING for all. Every single of the certificate can be bought. It depends just on the value of the financial contribution of how fast the work would be done and certificate issued.
Certification agencies employ thousands of people, these people employ ten thousand to write down and maintain the regulations. Every country, every company, every organization interprets the rules according to how it suits it. The only that is the same is the frame and the font, so it will look great on the wall.
To act sustainably we have to be able to compare the existing so as the new or planned. We can do that, but nobody cares to make it really comparable without understanding age as a disadvantage.
INDUSTRY 5.0 EPIC rating does it
There is no possibility of how to cheat for everyone will understand if LIES presented.
I am happy that age is not a disadvantage, lack of education does not disadvantage, so as that waste can be prevented before it happens for people who will plan would have the opportunity to look at every item EPIC NUMBER and would know if it benefits or damages the plan.
I am even happier that the tests proved that not only products but solutions can be rated the same way. EPIC CHART is the LITMUS PAPER stripe for the future. Even a child will understand if red or blue, and if colorblind the number explains all.
Same as the acidity of liquid the rating may change with steps taken, it can be better or worse, but not the money, but the true physical action will be, what makes the change.