For eight years already, since 2013, I am building a wasteless world by implementing the systematic waste prevention principles in real companies, corporations, to real people.
I do so not to gain more followers, but to see more actors
Turning a follower or spectator into an actor is not easy. Many prefer to watch only.
- watching other people work
- watching other people results
- watching a game without sweat
- watching speeches without speaking
Many get used to the rules of society which say, be silent and watch, learn, and use the knowledge for your profit.
For the last two years, since the name of INDUSTRY 5.0 starts thanks to RECONNET project and INDUSTRY 5.0 keynote in India to resonate so strong that every single day 20–50 new followers become part of my network, which is INDUSTRY 5.0 network at the same time.
Small companies, individuals up to the multinational corporations and organizations show up one by one to watch. Their employees participate on events and workshop to gather more trying to turn it into own profit, which may be work, but not in a scale expected.
The issue is the lack of complexity
It is not hard to say why this happens
The core business and Core competence do not allow to break through the circle of professional blindness which creates a comfort zone in which it is so nice to stay inside.
The number of followers indicates for me only one, the number of people that start to change the mindset from wasteful to WASTELESS, which does not mean they did, or will change, because no matter how many times they will use the name INDUSTRY 5.0 in their speeches and white papers, to understand INDUSTRY 5.0 you have to become part of it, not just a spectator
Senior managers, members of the boards, presidents, experts, many use the name I gave to my child after carrying it in my own heart and soul, teaching it new skill already before I decided it is the right time to go
It was on December 1st, 2015, and already at the moment of delivery I knew, my child, this beautiful lady will change the world for all and it does.
If I just watch or just follow others, there will not be the first industrial evolution ever led by man (HUMAN) that exists and the name will probably a sales tool for someone's machine or robot or technology used with the intention to sell more without considering the impacts.
Just today, during one hour time, on Saturday morning on June 12, 2021, the following names show up on my LinkedIn posts.
- Kamoto Copper Company SA
- Natixis Wealth Management
- Bank of Kigali Limited
- Robert Gordon University
- Fidelity Bank Ghana
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Poulina Group Holding
- ORLEN Unipetrol
- Somfy Group
- BlackRock
- CEVA Logistics
- World Economic Forum (WEF)
- Groupe Cosider
- World Bank
To name just a few. Some of the names being on the list again and again and again and I am sure they can continue to watch for ages, but why if not being ready to change and become Actor instead of Spectator?
You can speak ages about making the bread, but before you bake your own for the first time, you will never understand why it tastes so good
Not perfect shape. Not the perfect size. But perfect in taste waking up memories for more.
It is your decision if you just follow or you act
I am ready to welcome you to the construction site of the wasteless world, we are ready to give and share, be ready to do the same.
Have a nice time free of waste and wasting in all its forms and stay safe
Michael Rada, HUMAN