There is probably only one person in my LINKEDIN business network who can with 100% accuracy say, what is on the header image.
His name is Jan Cesak and he is a great logistics expert
I am sure your brain is working now, connecting the dots between the image and logistics, but instead of the solution, you struggle, balancing over a deep canyon of uncertainty.
The gap grows even deeper with the next hint that says, that you probably have this type of item (yes it is a physical item) already in your hands and if working it will not be just a single time but many times instead.
This is when hints, do not serve their purpose.
I was recommended today by my friend Doug Berger very interesting article published today in NEW YORK TIMES
Written by Hiroko Tabuchi, Climate and Environment Reporter at The New York Times she touched on the tools of the NEW PRETENDERS, concentrating on the FASHION INDUSTRY
I am almost sure she did not take part in the 2018, FASHION TECH DAYS in the cradle in Fashion, in Roubaix, France, so she was not able to listen to my keynote named FASHION IS NOT WASTE
When she did, her article will probably appear a few years earlier delivering one more level of understanding of the industry.
Have you ever considered that this was the item pictured in the header image? NOT? Then it is great you know now.
What you do not know is that if the INDUSTRY 5.0 and INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING would not be there, you would be looking at WASTE. But in this case, it was prevented to happen and it serves well in my office.
It is interesting that with thinking over the type of the item, you fully forgot, that how confusing was for you the title of this chapter
This time I will explain straight away. The first time you can read it is NOVEMBER 14, 2022, but I am writing it on JUNE 12, 2022, which means there are FIVE MONTHS between us and this is a high amount of time, isn´t it?
Time travel sometimes makes us dizzy
and what, should we stop because of the moment of unpleasant feeling? No.
What is the CORE TASK of the day?
You can do it with Isabella Wang or Bill McClain published authors, who know what and how to do so.
Have a nice day free of waste and wasting in all its forms, stay safe and free
Michael Rada, HUMAN