Michael Rada
5 min readJan 9, 2021


On January 7th, 2021 did the EUROPEAN COMMISSION through the hands of Mariya Gabriel published for the first time ever a publication and documents related to INDUSTRY 5.0.

Mrs. Mariya Gabriel does not have a LINKEDIN account, so using other sources including Wikipedia I have learned that the publishing was realized by the head of the EU COMMISSION namely European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, and Youth

It was the first time since the launch of INDUSTRY 5.0 on December 1st, 2015. Delivered to the public was the set of INFOGRAPHIC sheets and 48 pages book or manual with a cover page that I use as a header to this chapter of WASTELESS WORLD STORY.

I was surprised because since the launch of INDUSTRY 5.0 and even before (since the introduction of INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING in 2013) I was informing the EU officials about the tools of systematic waste prevention. Once received an invitation to deliver a keynote speech back in 2019 at a conference in Brussels related to INDUSTRY 5.0. The invitation was canceled after I delivered my prerecorded speech, which I uploaded later on my youtube channel to be accessible to all.

What makes me confused was the fact, that the documents related to INDUSTRY 5.0 have been prepared without my support which I will not expect because who else can deliver better insights to the topic than the Founder who is spending years with implementation in a real business environment of companies and factories.

Unfortunately, this lack of basic knowledge was projected in the whole work, and in many aspects, it reduces the new global ecosystem into a buzzword and sales tool which is not appropriate due to its importance and global expansion.

It can not be said, that the three authors did not know about my work, because they named the mirrored INDUSTRY 5.0 DEFINITION as one of the references (instead of referring to the original published one year earlier in my LINKEDIN blog post)

Same as they forget to mention my name in the only sentence in the document mentioning the true origin of INDUSTRY 5.0.

I just wonder if this is related to the fact, that is clearly stated on the second page of the “manual” or study that says

The European Commission is not liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of this publication. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.”

There are three authors mentioned at the top of the publication that according to the content was prepared within one year time (2020)

The authors Maija Breque, Lars De Nul, and Athanasios Petridis (who does not have a LINKEDIN account) have to spend a year collecting information related to INDUSTRY 5.0 without a single contact with the man who started the first industrial evolution ever led by man (HUMAN) and who is implementing its principles for so many years in the real business environment not only to Czech but international companies.

I studied carefully both documents so as the original article

and despite a few lines and statements, I did already requested changes to be doneit to be a valid INDUSTRY 5.0 source of information to anyone who would like to learn more about INDUSTRY 5.0.

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, and Youth, said:

The new concept of Industry 5.0 could not come at a better time. Many European industries are reinventing themselves, adapting to the new COVID reality, increasingly embracing digital and green technologies to remain the solution provider for all Europeans. Now is the time to make workplaces more inclusive, build more resilient supply chains and adopt more sustainable ways of production.

It is a pity that the same effort and financial support is given to the preparation of the report and to the research of opportunities was not provided to support the INDUSTRY 5.0 implementation and Education as well, but do believe it will change now.

January 7th, 2020 is an important day for INDUSTRY 5.0 so as for myself, not because it is the end of the journey, or that someone starts finally payback to be the millions of my own money invested to support the development and expansion, but because the next part of the journey starts at that day.

EUROPEAN COMMISSION officially implemented INDUSTRY 5.0 in its sustainable development framework and shows all countries around the globe INDUSTRY 5.0 is the synonym of RECOVERY. I am happy naming 2021 in the INDUSTRY 5.0 NEW YEAR´s RESOLUTION was an accurate description of what is expecting people so as industries and governments.

Right now is the time to correct some of the misinterpreted statements and start a strategic partnership on all levels which I am ready to lead.

I am happy that at the same time, the INDUSTRY 5.0 network was strengthened by two more ambassadors

After the publishing posts on LINKEDIN network I was asked what I am missing and understand as misleading. There are three main points

  1. INDUSTRY 5.0 is not based on Human-Machine interaction as stated many times in the documents, but on SYSTEMATIC WASTE PREVENTION METHODODOLGY UNDERSTANDING FOUR TYPES OF WASTE, PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, URBAN, PROCESS WASTE
  2. INDUSTRY 5.0 is not a tool to change the European industries, but to change the world from WASTEFUL TO WASTELESS
  3. INDUSTRY 5.0 is not at beginning and stage of research, but it is EXISTING AND BEING IMPLEMENTED SINCE 2015 (2013) ALREADY

I do belive that the team of Mariya Gabriel, so as the team of the authors Maija Breque, Lars De Nul, and Athanasios Petridis would be able to make the corrections soon and we would be able to implement INDUSTRY 5.0 principles together within EUROPEAN UNION member states to become the ROLE MODEL to all countries and people in the world

Michael Rada, Human



Michael Rada
Michael Rada

Written by Michael Rada

I am HUMAN. This is the only title you can find after 30 years in business on my business card. Since 2013 I build wasteless world. I am founder of INDUSTRY 5.0

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