E-MOTION in the meaning of truly personal electromobility, especially in the form of Electric Unicycles, does not have a long history. It started at the end of 2014, but despite its short life, it changed so many lives including mine own, that it is worth more that one article.
This is why I published already so many describing my way from a beginner to teacher, trainer and Father E-MOTIONEER.
This time I will not write about the feeling and endurance, but want to comment on the picture I made today in the morning before my next ride to the countryside. The TRADE IN system of used units sales, gave me today the rare opportunity to put most of the brands and machines which made the history next to each other in one picture.
And it is fascinating how much was done in such a short time of five years only.
You can see the thinnest and lightest 14" EUC in the world IPS i5
You can see one of the oldest and one of the rare 15" EUC — AIRWHEEL X8
You can see a trial to step out of the movie with 12" EUC — FASTWHEEL EVA
So as one of the first 18" EUC with the speed over 30 km/h — GOTWAY MSUPER V2
but you can see as well one of the first advanced wheels NINEBOT ONE E+ which counts to the best on the market before the company as protection against a legal dispute bought the SEGWAY brand which ends up (almost) the development of great EUCs (not counting the controversial NINEBOT ONE Z10)
and at the end, you can see one of the latest and best machines with great performance and speed reaching over 50 km/h, the KINGSONG KS18L.
What you can not see (unfortunately) is the very first and original SOLOWHEEL, produced by the inventor of the EUC, Mr. Chen and his company in the US. The main reason is the price, for the SOLOWHEEL same as once SEGWAY was priced too high to be affordable by many, including me.
The history of EUC fits not only in one picture. It fits in one small room, next to a bench. If you compare it with the history of any other motorized transport device or daily personal use and telecommuting, you will need probably much bigger space.
This is the reason for this article.
The devices on the picture made in the years together more than 50.000 km with different riders, in different terrains and most of them are in great shape and form until today, being traded to next riders who become soon the E-MOTIONEERS.
Do you really want to tell me, that personal transport needs 4 wheels and a few hundred kilos of weight?
Just think about it and if you need a recommendation for EUC which will fit best your personal needs, just send me an e-mail or call me, I would be happy to help you or even to implement EUC in your factory to help to improve not only working conditions on the floor and Gemba but to increase the efficiency of the workers on the go by 60–80% without asking them to run.