Dear Samuel, thank you for explanation. I am sorry I do not remember our meeting anymore, but if 2020, than it was before EC presented INDUSTRY 5.0 as part of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK (2021-01-05). They did so referring to INDUSTRY 5.0 DEFINITION by MICHAEL RADA (Ref. 68 out of 69) in that document.
Despite referring to it, the content change significantly and the EC started to use the term as a sales tool and buzzword for selling out the obsolete INDUSTRY 4.0 technologies, projects and ideas, which fail to deliver what was promised.
The heads of the dept at that time meet me online and conform they know the origin, and principles and even promised to cooperate, but the only result was that they BAN me and all who represent the origin from any support, all events and cut all ties, but kept the name, and use it in a way which does not support the one and only aim to which INDUSTRY 5.0 was created for TO BUILD WASTELESS WORLD FOR ALL.
This is why I contacted you immediatelly after your blog was delivered to me.
It is important that everyone know the ORIGIN and PRINCIPLES of INDUSTRY 5.0 because only so the FAKE can be prevented. At the moment is INDUSTRY 5.0 represented in 119 countries, in maritime ecosystem and even on te outer space, so I do not see the reason why FAKE should damage what was achieved already. Let me share with you the INDUSTRY 5.0 introduction published by the AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE
I appreciate your honesty and I am looking forward to our cooperation and you are welcome wo visit me in Plzen, in my office, where INDUSTRY 5.0 was born and from which I lead the global operations. Thank you