Dear Mr. Volmer, as mentioned in my previous comment that get lost on the way, my name is MIchael Rada and I am the Founder of INDUSTRY 5.0 implementing it since 2015 in Factories and businesses already. I have to correct few of your statements.
1) INDUSTRY 5.0 is not the fifth industrial revolutions but the first industrial evolution ever led by man (HUMAN)
2) INDUSTRY 5.0 is not based on machines, technology or humans, but on systematic waste prevention methodology applicable for industries (INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING)
3) We do not have to wait for INDUSTRY 5.0, already at the time of publication of your article INDUSTRY 5.0 exists for three years.
If you want to see how far INDUSTRY 5.0 developed since the date of your publication please feel free to watch the INDUSTRY 5.0 NEW YEAR´s RESOLUTION FOR 2021 delivered on the last international conference in Finland on December 18th, 2020.