Dear Azada, thank you for your article. Let me explain what is different in INDUSTRY 5.0 comparing to well described 4.0.
One of the main facts is that INDUSTRY 5.0 is not the fifth industrial revolution, which means it is not the successor of INDUSTRY 4.0.
INDUSTRY 5.0 is the first industrial EVOLUTION ever lead by man (HUMAN). It is not and will not be just a sales tool for technology and systems, but a global new environment which is already penetrating existing indistries globally.
INDUSTRY 5.0 is based on the principles of systematic waste and wasting prevention
It was born on December 1st, 2015 by an article named INDUSTRY 5.0 from virtual to physical and since then it is being implemented in factories and companies.
If you want to know more I would likie to recommend to read the definition - or watch one of the INDUSTRY 5.0 KEYNOTE SPEECHES published online
If you want to know more, feel free to ask me, I am the founder and father of INDUSTRY 5.0 which I created to help me to achieve my goal, to create wasteless world.